The Ideal Training Session!
Details, timings and outcomes!
We all wish that every session was an amazing one; with learning, development and fun all at the same time. Well here is our approach, it takes time and knowledge to be able to do these sorts of sessions but with perseverence - it'll pay off! Use this session to develop and progress skills from game to game.
OUTCOME: To develop collision contact skills (simple enough - but a huge area to cover).
TIMINGS: Try and aim for roughly 8 minutes per game/tech area.
1) GAME: Rugby netball active warm up
- Include dynamic movements and stretching as part of the game eg; player and tackler perform a squat as they make contact/touch.
- No constraints yet, let them play!
2) GAME: Rugby netball with constraints
Shoulder touch / two handed touch:
- Constraint: Defender must get feet close to ball carrier.
- Target shoulder touch to below chest, bending at the knees.
3) TECH AREA: Based upon what you saw in the game
e.g. working on footwork before contact or arm grab and wrap!
4) GAME: Ball carrier now presents ball on contact
- Constraint: Long body on ball presentation or turnover.
- Constraint: Defender to drop and roll.
5) TECH AREA: Ball presentation - based upon body mechanics
6) GAME: Passive tackle game
- Constraint: Defender adopts strong position over the ball and supporting attacker mirrors - no contest yet!
- Keep an eye on body shape in contact area.
7) TECH AREA: Body shape
8) GAME: Passive clearout
Continue game constraints as before but clearout is passive, look for strong body positions.
9) TECH AREA: Body shape in clearing out defender
10) GAME: Investigate and introduce systems of defence and how principles of play affect these
Get your players making decisions based on the live contact area, are all players required in the ruck? Here are some things to think about.
- Role of the defender.
- Role of the 2nd defender.
- Actions of the ball carrier and support players.