Why Every Player Should Play 7s!
As the northern hemisphere season comes to a close so our thoughts turn to the reduced numbers game, for the faster and more agile of us. Sadly those deemed to be lacking in these areas are consigned to the gym to build up and get even slower!
7s has always been a great tool to use for developing the skill base of all players. Sadly with the pace of the game constantly speeding up, players with the wrong muscle fibres tend to get left behind. Is this the best use of 7s?
Let’s look at a simple physical requirements of a 7s typical player: Speed, Agility, Balance, Coordination, Footwork.
Now these attributes are obviously in greater depth with say our backs, but shouldn’t we be asking the same of our forwards?
It starts with conditioning. All our players can build to this level, don’t leave out the lower numbered players, they need it more! Now I’m not saying that your props should take over the 7s team but I believe every player should be exposed to sevens training. The smaller sided game allows for more focus on the following sport specific attributes that every player should be developing!
Passing: Off both hands from push pass to long range spin.
Off-loading: The ability too manage contact and offload to support at all angles, often at pace.
Fending: Or controlling tacklers.
Work off the ball: Putting in the yards without the ball, drawing defences, creating space, supporting and often not getting the ball.
Create quick ball: When entering contact, especially on the floor.
Tackle technique: Staying on the floor means you are out of the game.
Watching the World Rugby 7s or even the top schoolboy 7s and the systems and patterns that they use are truly exceptional but underpinning all these are the individuals desire to:
- Work hard
- Think quickly and act faster
- Be exciting and happy to try things
We should want every player to develop these, right? By developing the core skills of the 7s player you improve the core skills of a 15 a side player and hopefullly will reap the rewards next season!
Looking for 7s specific exercises, fitness sessions and games? Click the button below to watch all of our 7s videos!