Hi, I'm Jack Quinn. I'm assuming conditioning coach. I'm gonna take you through some body weight conditioning stuff for rugby first exercise body weight squats hands on your shoulders toes out like I said and start the circuit. Next exercise station to is press-ups from the site not a strong position off you go. Third station is the is the power exercised. If you go for body weight Joker, sorry squat jumps hands on hips. And the last station we can go for the straight forward plank. Elbows down back nice and straight and hold that set one complete when she done one set as a beginner take two minutes off as a more advanced athlete take one minute off repeat that again into set to as a beginner. We're going to look at three sets as you get more advanced to this aim for five sets. So start three, we've got to for move up to five before you move up a set. You're just doing three decrease the time you're resting for so that's the first the first hurdle if you like the first progression is to go from 2 minutes to 90 seconds 90 seconds to a minute rest stop repeat that three times once you can do that comfortably then move up to four sets then move up to 5 sets.