Rugby Coaching Drills Video Library

London Irish Camps Trailer

A quick view of what to expect at a London Irish rugby camp. New games, new drills, new friends & new skills, all with a smile

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Get Low great tackle present the ball Oscar superball presentation top man registration begins at 9:30 and it goes all the way through to 30 within that we have to coaching sessions. We've got the morning session and the afternoon session and then in between we have our lunch where we do an indoor activity or we get the players down. They do QA before bring them out for the afternoon session as when you're much wider guys has got to be little hand movements move your feet quickly and we're in taupe. We're across move across move across. Hey good body position. Good body. Hi body in likes likes of team work and everything and they just love the training we train all Day, so every day all day. The quite fun when you've done something wrong. They don't really shout it you for it. Yeah, we're playing a little game of kabaddi is just a it's a competitive game. You're looking at introducing contact in a little bit more of an enclosed space. So they just haven't got that huge run up where you get some kids get a bit frightened when it got if you look at some of the 12 year olds are quite big someone can put someone that big running out. So yeah just bring introduce a bit of contact and it's also a little bit of fun and and then people and good tackle. I got anything else that you maybe want to improve on. time in the catching light