This small sided game is design to develop intuitive decision making.
The players need to recognise the situation and react accordingly.
Practice through a conditioned game is the most effective way to develop the necessary skills to recognise a situation as it unfolds and to react appropriately and without hesitation
Video Subtitles
The decision well done 360 roll enjoyed that. That's okay. Good. Good luck hands. Good bookend. TSTC decision finish it good decision. That's okay. Kitt. Good luck cabins. Good book ends. Tasty safe decision.
Search: Chapter 7 - Preparing for a Tackle situation
This clip illustrates tackle technique using progressions suitable to all players and possibly requiring regular revisit to embed safe and effective tackling
This tackle is necessary when the defender is not in a position to make a strong aggressive tackle and uses the momentum of the attacker to bring them to the ground
[WITH DRILL VIDEOS] This session from Joe Goodman (Bristol University Rugby) has been designed to prepare players for a return to full contact competition, re-establishing correct technique to ensure safe, efficient tackling through progressively increasing the level of contact and complexity of skill execution.