Coaches - Rugby Drills Coaching Library

Categories > Breakdown & Contact

Conditioned Game

A full-contact game to finish the session. The condition is that breakdowns only allow one player from each side, putting more focus on open play to practice the running and tackling skills covered in the session.

Video Subtitles

Yes, we're going to now put all that into some game some games obviously age group specific so that because it will be contact now so that eights and nine-year-olds will work their games together the 10 and 11 years of work their game. So it really just it's might soften touch rugby and then bringing just full on tackling but won't be much breakdown work. I just like to have one person make a tackle ball cap presentable properly and then just play so hopefully the safety is there but they just love to have contacts and left a manager. That's right good. Where's the space now? Good? Yes. That's the best choice. I've seen the whole week. That was good. It went from there to there. There's a to anyone, okay.