Use progressions to change the pressure points so that players are taken "Out of their comfort zone" and experience more match related situations. Rugby is about creating a 2 v 1 opportunity so fixing defenders is one of the most important skills to learn
Gradually progress from 2 static defenders, to 3 v 2 roaming defenders. The first two players must draw their defenders before giving the pass.
Passing progressions are based upon the ability of players to fix defenders. Always insure your exercises reflect match situations and refrain from just doing drills because they look good
Progress to working in 3s against two static defenders. The pressure is on the middle player to hold their depth and perform a quick pass.
Now working in just twos, we are concerned with depth, and the timing of the pass. Allow players to practice before adding a static defender. This can be a tackle bag as demonstrated. Players take the ball up to the defender but must complete the pass before they reach it.
This video takes you through the basics of why and how we pass in Rugby! Use these explanations and simple progressions to help your players.
This video takes you through the basics of why and how we pass in Rugby! Use these explanations and simple progressions to help your players.
Starting with a simple 3 man passing drill the coach adds pressure adding fixed defenders and then live defenders, the progressions are intended to be game related. Ask questions to confirm technical points
This clip reinforces the importance of passing and especially accurate passing. The coaches use a variety of practises to test the players skills and help them progress uses cookies
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