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Neil de Kock - Favourite part of Rugby

Neil de Kock highlights his favourite part of rugby training when he was young.

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So yeah crying after the best part of it was when you play games everyone wants to play games and be competitive and I think for us it was whether it was tetrad deal with it was six touch or six down like the right Believers play or whether it was contact games. I think that part of the session where that would have became competitive and we play again was always the best part for me. And is that still ring true now that you've seen your player? Yeah, I think so obviously a little boy fell off football now before we kick off but I tend to stay away from those games. I guess. I'll pull a hamstring or growing or something like that. So for me, it's still fun. You know, when you when you play a competitive games obviously now gets a lot more complex than what used to be when I was 10 years old, but it's it's good fun.