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L2 - Continuous Rugby

Skill Practice Description • Play 7 v 7 Continuous Rugby i.e. after a score, the team who has just scored, keeps possession and immediately starts attacking the far try line. • This allows attacker to play against broken defences (defence not spread in a flat line across the field of play). • This will help players to use evasive skills and maintain continuity, with more passing before being tackled (3 second recycles after a tackle or it becomes a turnover). Key Coaching Points • Communication • Quickness of attack at a disorganised defence • Skills to attack space • Footwork and evasion skills • Scanning skills Relevance to the Game • Great for coaching counter attacking and challenging speed in organisation of both attack and defence. • Any player can be ball carrier and communication is vital as is decision making in identifying space and the best way to attack it successfully

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This is we've done it plenty of times before this is just continuous touch. So when you score you just turn around and play out. Okay, we're going to make it a little bit different in that the person who touches plus one other have to go down on the knee whilst the guy doing the long Place does the long Place gets up comes back to the ball and plays it, okay. touch to in 10 over reactants react good player Perry get away from him. Come on play Pasquale. It's her came. Come on. You gotta go with impasse Church. Come on. Hurry Road King Fink. good tiziano good turn overreacted.