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Level 2 - Scrum Body Positions

Level 2 - Scrum Body Positions

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What I'm hoping to do today is bring some new ideas to the table where perhaps we can all move our scrimmaging understanding Ford. Okay, so that's us. Fundamentals of the scrum. Okay, the setup must be perfect. No matter what grade you're working with the setup must be perfect and players need to practice this. It's an individual thing and it's a group thing. The front row I've got the front row there in big letters. Okay, the highest part of your scrum is your front row on your setup your second row and call it including your flankers has to be lower than your front row and the lowest person in the scrum is a number eight this takes time to practice this. Okay, and these are the basic fundamentals for when we do our set up and when we also engage that's a scrum time further down the session. I'll use Wayne and Is RO the key to the scrum generating power is from the back 5. Okay, we'll have a look at this in detail today 70% of the power in a scrum comes from the back 5. Our number eight and our flankers that they're not tightly Bound in a scrum. They have the luxury of the whole body out of the scrum. They are major contributors to the power and our second rowers have the ability with a split stance to throw weight forward into the front row. Okay towards the end of the session. We're going to have a good look at that. The power and the scrum comes from the ground. Okay, really important principle to understand when we ask rummaging if we have are locked into a one-on-one battle and I'm not if you have a proper doesn't look powerful enough doesn't look strong enough bring him back to his feet. He's not getting enough from his feet. And that's why it's important not to get locked into an ego one-on-one battle at scrum time because all of a sudden you start heading from the waist up or from the shoulders up and you're getting into a wrestling match to generate power to stay strong and stay constant. The power comes from the ground for everybody in the scrum flankers lose Ford's tied for words. That's a common factor. If we want to get a powerful scrum. We focus on the ground we focused on our feet okay if I can just bring ro4 Okay, one of the real big Concepts if you can come over here, please mate is a tie-down bind with elbows pointing towards the ground at nights the core it's your power position. We were always told by and wide be as strong as you can just say like here be as strong as you can lock in your core big strong guy and I can push them. Okay. I want you to now to bring it down to the elbows pointing to the ground and push. We've got that this come out to where you will lock it up. Real big strong powerful scrimmaging position is about the elbow pointing to the ground. Okay, whether we're a prop whether a lock with a release forward when the weight comes in when the squeeze comes on the strongest powerful position I need to be is to get around so I can find this. Okay, real big deal that okay. The last one that I wanted me to I want to touch on okay key to scrimmaging and all positions. How do we develop and maintain consistent technique? Okay, every player guys needs a checklist and a checklist for a prop is based around those six points. That's what we use head. We've talked about Stable head is the key to maintaining balance. So our guys on a card or on a piece of paper or in a diary kids gaps called till knees feet. That's their checklist. What am I doing for my head? I need a stable head to maintain balance. I tell you now a lot of young props will go into a scrum and they lose their straightness. They use their shape. A lot of that's due because they've forgotten about the power from the ground and their heads not stable. Case caps are scabs when we talk about escapes. We're looking at the shoulder blade. Okay, and I'm going to get our oh to demonstrate the full checklist for us in a second but scabs on the on the body stays straight on engagement the core. As he strumming scrimmaging muscles, you need a strong core. So a short arm buying puts our core on and enables me to defend myself from different angles. Pelvic tilt when we talk about the pelvic tilt if I put my hands on arroz pelvis here and I tilt It Forward the human body has to have a pelvic tilt to push. Now a lot of us get into trouble if they are weighing then I reckon we just come forward and just demonstrate just a side onto the coaches just hands on your hips and just open your tilt up open your tail and your scabs and the head goes the head that we have at scrum time as if we are walking normally. Okay, it's if we're walking normally we don't look up we don't look down. It's if we're walking normally the scabs are straight. I'd like to shoulder blades touching the fact that His elbows are in tight means is corazón and is tilt is on so going through our roads checklist to get them consistent technique. We've got head. Both of us have got head scab score tilt then we will bend the key guys is when I say Crouch, I don't I don't just bend your knees first. I'm show you the wrong way bend your knees. First. A lot of young players will come to this and they'll think that they're back straight and I think they're in a really good position and the issue here is they have been their knees before they hips. So if we come back up straight and we'll burn bend it helps as far as we can. That's as far as we can and now we'll drop and we're now into a pretty good just a bit more on the Tilt work on the Tilt and he's loaded quite nicely through his checklist to enter the scrum and a consistent position. We can have a look at that way. Just going through and as he's going through this checklist in his own mind. Every single players is different over we go. Okay. Can we see anything there IRA? Okay, drop your head. What now? We're how Wayne was here. Just I'm just so that that way common mistake come back up. Now if we come that we don't walk around like that. We need to scrum the I just accentuated that for to show people. So if we could go down again and nice excellent. Okay, thank you. Just guys now if we have a look at if we have a look at, iroh could you go down again? Please side onto the coaches. Yep side onto the coaches. Okay, Wayne. Can we see an area of weakness? Tilt okay now with okay, so it's true two simple key trigger words tilt and scaps. He's been able to find a more dominant position. So come up our oh please and just going through your checklist. Now, I want you to focus on big escapes and big tilt you can call it whatever you like scabs and tilt. Now are we happy with that one? Okay, come up now your turn to be under the microscope. You pick them to put you be ruthless Ro show no mercy, okay. Scoffs at maybe a little bit. Okay. So we've got head head normal big steps come up and Wayne's got a slide habit sometimes of coming lower with his shoulders and his hips right so big escapes and head Stout head normal. Okay. So here we go. He's checklist. Okay, how are you are oh, how's that? Okay. Okay, the guy's just what I'm trying to stress here is that we don't do enough attention to detail on this and to scrum properly. I'll set up needs to be perfect and a fantastic way of doing this is through a checklist isolating six core areas players players will have their own checklist. And a good thing to do is to Gymnasiums in front of big mirrors players can do it themselves pre weights or after weights. You can also have somebody film you and then you can look at the tape or the my favorite is to have players coaching each other where they can take responsibility for his set up what he's doing and he can give them real big feedback and vice versa. Now if you have a reserve front row forward in your team who may be coming on in the second half. Give them a job to ID the checklist of the guys that are playing and at halftime go straight to them and he can just say escapes tell because these guys can't see themselves. They can't see themselves. They can feel it from within but they need to be told by somebody who knows what they're looking for. Now the good players can self-correct. But it's a consistent chicking of your checklist. When the referee says Crouch what we are doing and what we are coaching in promoting is you stay your weight is on your heels. Just go down to crouch. I always got his weight on his heels when we say touch only his arm will move. It will go in a straight line and come back here still on his heels. Okay. He's still loaded on his heels. So if I'm going to push them, he's still very solid here. Now if he was on his toes, I'll be able to pull them forward about Ahead of and compensate his balance. Okay, so and when we say pause exactly what you're talking about. We want your toes to come over like they're going into the sand like bare toes on the sand on a beach and dig your toes into the ground on pause and push your knees past the front of your toes and you're loaded to going. Okay, so I'll just talk you through then Crouch weights on his heels touch weights on his heels pause load forward. He's loaded forward and engage. He'll be throwing in by a second row. Can we have arm can we just have will go one ball each and we can just pick a saluted if you can come on that site if you want to come on that side, please. All right, and one of the side Packers are lucid and then just lock yourself up. Yeah Packers are loose head. Yep, we just look at a depth drills to go through all those things. I just mentioned. Okay Packers are loose head and can we can I just show the guys can we Face the crowd or coaches place where we can see your outside arm locking yourself then not holding on to the ball. Okay, just lock your arm lock it arm get that. I'm off. I'm off here. That's the key the short arm bind ignites the core. Okay, you just haven't put a traction problem. Okay, we're locking it up and the key thing with the legs and I know we're probably the wrong angle here. I want The Shins parallel to the ground if he starts coming up. I'll drop them by just putting my hand in behind us leg here. He particularly likes that. Okay, I'll drop him here and then we'll say change go to the other side. Okay, and we'll lock it up. There is good for the core. It's good for the depth as you can see, you know, this is just reiterate what I said if the head is not straight. It's really hard to get the rest of the body in line. So this is only thing with a Swiss ball. It will throw you out of line. Okay, then we can place. Okay, I'll just change over quickly and change the chain side is just slipping a bit on the shoes. Okay and change. It's just teaching him to find his position on a place with more traction with hold him down for 90 seconds sixty to ninety six seconds, but guys need to build up to that sort of standard Oracle is the ball over here, please can we pick an hour down Wayne are as a as a title hooker in the middle place or the two balls? And can we Sorry mate if I can have your back place in the coaches so they can see what you're doing. Okay, just do the best you can on the surface. Okay. So here we are here. We are just dumb things just a fraction High here. Just going to drop them there till it's good scabs good heads on and I'm going to hold them dear. Okay. Now I can pass the power back. I can also hear ask for a little bit more from my special friend. I could load them here like a loaded through the head and the scabs. Okay, I can also take them through the pelvic Chase and Chase and Chase. We can practice our Chase. We can practice our Chase and stay down and we can hold them and we can hold them and this is the real key to getting depth into your set and your front row. Okay, come up. Okay, we're going to do something quite challenging now just to cover some of the principles because these guys love a challenge. Okay, it's going to hop on now Aires going to hold his head. Okay. Now this just proves my theory on balance from the head escapes and tilt we're just going to ask waiting to go backwards really slowly but just keep his shape. Just keeping a shape not going to and coming forward real slow keeping us tilt on and escapes on and his head stable just going forward and back and that's just teaches you to keep your shape whether you win or lose the Hat. Keep your shape with you're going forward or backwards and to hit and extend when attacking its Chrome time. Now, we can see how easy this is because his head is on. It's got a strong core, but it has been held he has balance a can ask Laura to take your hands away now, mate. The guy still doing pretty good, but starting to lose a little bit of shape lucky hit on mate. Come very slowly back and forward. Okay. Well done mate good stuff. Hold on mate. You've got to clap if I can ask you. All right, if you can just load your one arm drills. I'll hold it for you. Just go through your scrum set up first everything every time we do it. We're going to pay attention to standards. Okay, here we come his hands on the ball. Okay. Now if we can load your left shoulder load your left arm and bring it in like a lucky a scrimmaging and hold and hold and change. And change just learning to with that short aren't buying putting your right side core on and change. And change okay and come up. How was that one now? If we can have one that can you just drop into a setup position? Okay. Now if we're going to let Wayne a scrum into our oh, can you just come around the other side now and I'm going to just kind of call you in we can't push but see how straight and flat focus on Wayne once they hurt see if there's any change in a setup Crouch touch pause and gauge. Okay. Stop. Let's have a look at Wayne and fries. Okay, come on boys. What did we see anything different and wehner