He's a former openside flanker. So Crouch familiar position for him as a strong. Let me go now though. Do that on your skin?
Developimg attack plays through the backs
A great axample of how to use effective passing and dummy runners to attack from scrums. Key factors ; Solid scrum - Accurate spin pass - Load calling from dummy runners - Different angles of running - Wide flat pass - Speed and swerve from the final player
A quick lineout allows players to attack a "broken field" defence. Running at space moves the defenders and the suport player comes from depth behind the attacker to score. Key factors : Loud communication - Accurate spin pass - Attacking space - Trail support - Pop pass - Quick running
Women's - Strike Moves 1
Men's - Turnover and move the ball 4
A good 'go to' strike move for all players 1-15 to know. Passing the ball behind a decoy runner can commit and confuse defenders, hopefully creating holes to attack.
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