Women's - Strike Moves 1
Players can strike from any location on the pitch, in this clip the Red team relax thinking they have the attackers behind their own posts, however a strong scrum, good pass and great step create the gap to go through, the next 95 metres is all about speed and fitnes. Key factors : Space beetween attackers - Good pass - Side step - Speed - Stamina
Women's - Turnovers and move the ball
Women's - 2 v 3 1
Women's - Exiting the 22m 2
Women's - 2 v 1
Men's - Strike Moves 3
A good 'go to' strike move for all players 1-15 to know. Passing the ball behind a decoy runner can commit and confuse defenders, hopefully creating holes to attack.
Women's - Good contact body position/ball presentation 2
Junior - Strike Moves 1
Women's - Straight Scrums 2
Women's - Offloads 2
Developing attack moves through the backs
Developing play in backs
A turnover from a strong tackle and quick "Jackle" where the defender uses the momentum of the attacking player to swimg up onto his feet and contest the ball, this results in a line break. Key factors : Tackle technique - Urgency to get up to feet - Core strength - Speed
A simple but effective attack from a scrum. Three good passes provides the winger to run past his defender to score. Notice how the first reciever is directly behind the scrum and not to the side, (This makes the pass from the scrum easier when under pressure). Key factors : Position of 1st reciever - Run straigh and wide spin pass - Speed of the runner
Strong defence and a turnover allows two quick passes, (One long pass), and then attack the defence. The two passes have changed the channel of attack by 30 metres.
Key factors : Tackle and stay on your feet - Long quick pass / spin pass - Communicate loudly - Support the ball carrier on his shoulder
Developing attacking plays through the backs
Developimg attack plays through the backs
A great axample of how to use effective passing and dummy runners to attack from scrums. Key factors ; Solid scrum - Accurate spin pass - Load calling from dummy runners - Different angles of running - Wide flat pass - Speed and swerve from the final player
The Lions drill for developing awareness of attack and defence options
Developing play through the backs
Developing attack plays through the backs
developing plays in attack
Developing back play in attack
Developing attacking plays through the backs
RGS Guildford secure lineout ball and perform a 'circle' ball, with the fly-half looping around the centre who pops the ball back to him. This is to draw in defenders, to create space out wide. The winger is able to exploit this space to complete the try.
A counter attack invlving moving the ball wide quickly, then attack defenders with support runners and finally a 2 v 1 to score in the corner. Key factors : Strong communication - Wide spin passes - Attacking the space around defenders - Support the ball carrier from behind - Offload with two hands - straight running - Flat pass
A good progression for developing difficulty from a standard drill, look at carrying the ball and moving the defender so that you can ride the tackle
For developing evasive movements players need to be able to move their arms and legs quickly - wiring and firing the body to go faster
Gradually progress from 2 static defenders, to 3 v 2 roaming defenders. The first two players must draw their defenders before giving the pass.
Developing the skills into decision making down a channel
Level 2 - Scrum Body Positions
Junior - 2 v 1 2
Tackling 20 - 2 man Tackle
Sevens - Full Lineout 2
Every player should be able to perform these movements well! Mastering these will carry over to preventing injuries, managing collisions and maximising power and speed. Check out the related videos for part 1.
Accurate kicking requires an understanding of how the foot should strike the ball. Expert kicking coach Dave Walder delivers a coaching clinic detailing the key factors and steps coaches should follow
A progression from the 1 v 1 drill this exercise adds extra players to make the decision making process more realistic. The coaches can vary the delivery of the ball and the width of the area to put different conditions to the players
Progress to working in 3s against two static defenders. The pressure is on the middle player to hold their depth and perform a quick pass.
A development of the 2 v 1 and 3 v1 drills, the attackers now must beat 2 defenders. This requires more decision-making ability as the movements of the defenders could change every time. Players must communicate as well as continue to perform their handling and running skills.
Practicing the strike can be developed with the left side triangle, so the key players involved are working together
Women's - Injured players and medics
Men's - Standard restart with good catch 2
A good progression from the 2 v 1 drill
Men's - Lineout maul good defence 2
If you strike the ball in the right place you are halfway to delivering an accurate kick. The "Sweetspot" of the ball is significantly larger than you may think. This clip explains where the sweetspot is and how to get a good connection
Junior - Wrap Tackle 2
A basic 2 v 1 drill that encourages players to time their pass after they have drawn a defender, and for the supporting player to hold their depth.
Women's - Clips of coaches
Having identified a 2 v 1 situation, the RGS Guildford player decides not to give an early pass from the breakdown, but instead to run and commit the defender before giving a pass to his teammate. Key factors: Timing - communication - accurate passing
A variety of passes create a 2 v 1 which is executed perfectly for the outside attacker to score. Key factors : Different angles of running and support - Comunication - Ball presentation - Effective clearing of defenders at the breakdown - Accurate wide passes - Attack the inside shoulder of the last defender - Flat spin pass
Seven's is about creating chances and then taking them. In this clip the Blue team take the ball up the middle of the pitch to draw in defenders, after recycling the ball they have a 2 v 1 opportunity, a straight line of running and a flat wide pass creates the try. Key factors : Call early - Run straight - Wide spin pass - Catch and swerve to score
Level 2 - Back Row Example Clip 1
Women's - High Tackle
Women's - Good contact body position/ball presentation 1
Junior - 2 v 1 1
Women's - Offload for continuity
Women's - Counter attack plays
Women's - Good leg drive
Women's - Patterns of Play 3
Junior - Ball off the top from lineout 2
Women's - Exiting the 22m 1
Women's - Hold them up tackle (Ireland style)
Women's - Offloads 1
Women's - Lineout mail good defence
Women's - Wrap Tackle
Women's - Short restarts
Women's - Standard restart with good catch
Women's - Classic Tackle
Men's - Turnover and move the ball 4
Men's - Turnover and move the ball
Men's - Offloads for Continuity 2
Men's - Good body position in contact & ball presentation 2
A passage of play that shows how to attack with more attackers than defenders, a 3 v 2. The winger shows that strong running and determination can break tackles. Click on the practises in this section for coaching ideas
Men's - Exiting the 22m 2
Level 2 - Second Row Bind - Traditional Bind
Women's - Lineout catch & maul / drive