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Categories > Kicking

Kicking - Striking The Sweetspot

If you strike the ball in the right place you are halfway to delivering an accurate kick. The "Sweetspot" of the ball is significantly larger than you may think. This clip explains where the sweetspot is and how to get a good connection

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If you keep your foot pointed, okay, there's a bigger surface area for the ball to hit and more chance of your actual whole foot going putting all your power through that sweet spot. Okay, The Sweet Spot of the ball gave I drew an arrow going in about a third of the way up there coming up a third of the top of the ball that middle third there. That's The Sweet Spot of the ball. Okay. So in case you're trying to send your foot through that way, it's kicking a goal trying to get through that you're punching the boy trying to go for that. Everything's about getting into that sweet spot that third of the ball. Okay. So we're going to talk about the drop ball position the ball going to be leaning slightly forward and our aim is to smash that that entry point of that sweet spot push through it and you'll get a good backspin. Okay, you're pushing the ball forward. The only thing that controls trajectory is the letter is the angle that your leg goes into its evolving hit a low kick. I'll keep my foot lawn and follow through if one hit high kick, I'll actually follow through higher. All right, you don't have to worry about anything else. It's just the angle that your leg approaches the ball. The whole foot going putting all your power through that sweet spot. Okay, if you start lifting your toes up, okay, you'll lose your contact on the ball and the ball start to fly high give the full-back plenty of time to catch it. So not just do want to keep our toes pointed one from my knee down to our ankles the end of our toe being connected and actually snap into the bowl. Okay, see how he's stabbing it. Okay, and that's because we're kicking over 20 meters. He thinks I can get over 20 minutes without having to worry about it. Okay. So Rory the when I swear when I said to an easy something better you start to concentrate and it goes back keep your foot in contact with the ball as long as possible. You want to travel? Okay. So once he changed it it was in contact and it's probably if you slowed it down as probably twice as long but actually to the eye sees much smoother through the ball. Okay, the saying someone taught me about kicking which are stuck with me forever. Okay, it's all about keeping your foot in contact with the ball for as long as you want or as long as you can in the direction, you want it to travel right? So you want your foot to be in contact the ball as long as possible down the line you want to Now just don't let your foot gets off to keep your toes pointed Right Punch through the bottom of the ball punch the Butterball. Yeah, good kit even more that it more punch in more punch. Good Brett soon as you get soft and I'll do a drill at the start. We were trying to focus on the drop and what you'll see is a lot of the guys because they're kicking a short distance will go flop in the lower leg. Okay. God have a snapping to the ball. All kicks is that last yard into the ball and half yard out the ball that gives you your power? Okay, you've got to have a snap into the ball. Okay Colin thing happening green shirt, okay. Because you can over 20 years you thinking RW make my mate have to run too far. Okay, so he's actually gone at the ball real soft. Okay. So actually you still have the discipline and aggression through the ball and just back yourself that you can actually punch the ball 20 meters without worrying about it. Don't worry about putting it through your makes chest. Make sure you get it there go Rory if you keep your foot pointed, okay, there's a bigger surface area for the ball to hit and more chance of your actual whole foot going putting all your power through that sweet spot. Okay, if you start lifting your toes up, okay, you'll lose your contact on the ball and the ball starts to fly high give the full-back plenty of time to catch.