This Pre-Season touch game is based upon offloading however there are other conditions which make it an ideal practise to combine skills and fitness
Pre season fitness can be tedious and repetitive however you can integrate the latest fitness drills into games of touch or other conditioned games to make your training more challenging
We all want to start Pre-Season with some new ideas but maintain a fitness element to what we do. In this clip leading coaches explain that they have a similar approach
During pre-season, it's a great idea to keep training fun, but with emphasis on building fitness. Conditioned games are an excellent way to do this. In this game, defenders who make a touch must run back to their own try line and complete a bear crawl before rejoining the game. This gives opportunities to the attacking team.
Drop touch is perfect for Pre-Season and as a coach you can set a wide variety of conditions just based on this simple game. Add extra fitness drills and set challenges for the attackers, its your choice
Making good decisions around the contact area is a tricky area to coach, Howard Graham from Harlequins explains some of the key factors in what to coach players when focusing on continuity, beating players and offloading to keep the ball in play
Midway through the season and time to review and refresh, is it time to integrate some fun fitness exercises into your coaching sessions
Another great conditioned game for pre-season training. With the addition of 'reptile crawls' for players who have made a touch, you incorporate an excellent core strength exercise that requires concentration under fatigue.
Conor O Shea focuses on the importance of the pre-season phase uses cookies
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