The Sale sharks community coach delivers a "Game based" warm up with progressions that will lead onto to contact skills. The coach uses examples and questioning to support learning
The 10 pass warm up game is excellent to introduce an activity that has a focus on dynamic mobilisation and raising the heart rate.
Players should be asked to focus on their special awareness, passing technique and communication.
To maximise participation, introduce another ball or split the game into two or three smaller games.
Tackling and contact are key components in the development of young players, this clip shows how coaches can introduce tackling using a game that reduces the risk of injury and focuses on the technical skills
Using games to coach can be a challenge for junior coaches. In this clip the Sale sharks community coach delivers a session to develop contact skills at the breakdown by using games, questioning and challenging the players. This can be used for all Junior age groups
A rugby ready style warm up with games and handling as they focus prior to moving on to more technical skills. The game centres around the teams trying to make 10 passes
Try these fun games for any junior team. They are a great way to introduce tackle safety whilst keeping your players entertained.
Lots of passing progressions to test players off all abilities. The exercises should be challenging and fun. Apply some targets (Do 10 of these) to keep the focus
A great fun game to get training started and integrate new players into your squad. Lots of progressions and a variety of skills on show
This practice is a safe and enjoyable activity to develop the movement of the lifting pod and the accuracy of the throw uses cookies
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