The attackers work to beat the defence, setting up a 'tip' (running a hard line) and 'pull back' option. They should read the defensive movements and make a decision to hit the tip option or pull out the back.
Skill Practice Description • Within a game of touch the coach can at any breakdown - call blitz, drift and the defenders must run and touch the appropriate line. • The coach may also give players numbers in order to call specific defenders to leave the defence line which will create the need for defence to realign quickly. • Attackers must face the other way and attack when the ball is rolled from behind them. • On the coach’s call, the attack turn and the closest attacker picks up the ball and plays. • This ensures the coach can vary each player’s role and make the defence react. • Coach can then develop game by giving a visual clue to the defenders thus making the attackers react to an unexpected type of defence. Key Coaching Points • Visual Acuity-Looking for space. • Spatial awareness. • Highlighting defensive systems and attacking them appropriately. • Decision making. Relevance to the Game • This game is excellent for visual acuity and attacking differing defensive alignments. • Spaces are created by the leaving defenders, which the attackers have to identify
QBE - Attacking a Drift, Blitz and Cover Defence
Developing linespeed is fundamental to applying pressure to an attack line
Skill Practice Description • Two teams play normal touch rules. • 5 touch turnover. • When a touch is made, the game pauses and all defenders need to close in and place a hand on the shoulder of another defender. So all the defenders are bunched and in contact with each other. • The coach calls ‘play’ and the attack restarts. • The progression may be to leave one defender out of the bunch, which may provide a different challenge to the attack. • Then leave two defenders out of the bunch and slowly release the conditions to see if the attack can consistently identify opportunities to outflank or penetrate the defence. Key Coaching Points • Peripheral vision and general awareness. • Intuitive decision making. • Communication • Support and team work. Relevance to the Game • This game is designed to challenge the observation and decision making ability of the attack. • For the defence, it challenges the ability to cover quickly with both drift and sweeping defenders
Skill Practice Description • Play 7 v 7 Continuous Rugby i.e. after a score, the team who has just scored, keeps possession and immediately starts attacking the far try line. • This allows attacker to play against broken defences (defence not spread in a flat line across the field of play). • This will help players to use evasive skills and maintain continuity, with more passing before being tackled (3 second recycles after a tackle or it becomes a turnover). Key Coaching Points • Communication • Quickness of attack at a disorganised defence • Skills to attack space • Footwork and evasion skills • Scanning skills Relevance to the Game • Great for coaching counter attacking and challenging speed in organisation of both attack and defence. • Any player can be ball carrier and communication is vital as is decision making in identifying space and the best way to attack it successfully
This drill allows you to develop decision making by varying the attack and defence continually thus accelerating learning
Continuity in Attack - Contact
This drill takes you through a simple drill where multiple breakdown and contact skills are tested. You'll also be given the reasons why it is practised this way. uses cookies
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