Leeds academy coaches cover the fundamentals skills for the contact area. This is a useful session for young players to focus on body position and key techinques.
Using games to coach can be a challenge for junior coaches. In this clip the Sale sharks community coach delivers a session to develop contact skills at the breakdown by using games, questioning and challenging the players. This can be used for all Junior age groups
Encouraging players to improve their "Floor" skills is the key to improving contact skills such as tackling, rucking and competing for the ball. It might be simple but it is effective
Even if players are too young to go to the gym, it can be beneficial for them to do bodyweight exercises that help to prepare their bodies for more physical rugby in future years. Sam Bennett from Leeds Carnegie highlights some of the key points for young players to consider, which apply to all players at amateur or competitive level.
We all want our sessions to be fun, but it all starts with the set-up, safety and reassurance from coaches. Particularly for young players. Achieve that and you will have a fun, productive session.
Developing skills in youngsters
Holidays are the perfect time to get stuck into some individual skills and this clip provides a few ideas and advice from leading players
A few fun exercises that many families have moved away from. Wrestling is great for experiencing contact
Saracens community coach uses games and competitive activities to introduce the contact elements of rugby. This builds confidence in players prior to actual contact skills
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