The 10 pass warm up game is excellent to introduce an activity that has a focus on dynamic mobilisation and raising the heart rate.
Players should be asked to focus on their special awareness, passing technique and communication.
To maximise participation, introduce another ball or split the game into two or three smaller games.
This game promotes working hard off the ball and communicating with the ball carrier to give them the easier passing option.
The Sale sharks community coach delivers a "Game based" warm up with progressions that will lead onto to contact skills. The coach uses examples and questioning to support learning
Children are naturally competitive and will engage more in training exercises that include a competitive edge. This challenges their skills under pressure and creates excitement and fun
The Wasps coaches use a mixture of games and drills to develop the passing skills of young players. Players are encouraged to respond to questions. Games are used to improve the learning experience
Aim of the game: In pairs, walk, jog or run around the grid, passing to their partner only when they call for the ball. Other players will be obstructing their vision and the flight of the pass, so decisions on when to pass will need to be developed
7. 5 Pass Game
A variety of drills and games to practice and improve your catching & passing
A passing game that encourages quick hands to catch out team-mates. Include press-ups to include a bit of upper body warm-up as well. uses cookies
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