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Categories > Under 12's

Dean Ryan: Core Rugby Foundations

Dean Ryan talks through what coaches should focus on and why improving the basics are the most crucial areas

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I think that there are foundations in the game before we can play it. There are certain elements that need to go right and you know as an entry point into the game, you've got to think has a ball get in the field it gets in the field bar asset Pisa a liner a scrum. So we're initially if they don't work if you think of building a house if that Foundation isn't right, then you can't do anything else. It's very difficult to Sidetrack. Yes sides go, you know get the ball in quickly, but it's it's very difficult over a long periods of time to try and shortcut those foundations. Now if you think about that is those are the the set-piece entries that are simple catch and pass before we even move that a simple breakdown skills the contact skills because there is a rush to do the fancy stuff. There is a rush to coach and talk about it. We come back to this knowledge thing. I know more than you because I know about all this what I found in my experience that the more confident the more senior than more. It's coaches talk about simple things more often. If you get them, right you can move up through the if it was a pyramid or a house, you can build your first floor and the second floor. If you don't get them, right then it all falls down. And you know, as I said you go back to coaches just starting out there very they think there's so much more to the game that they're wary of building that foundation. And I think as you get more experience, you'll come back and reinforce it.