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Categories > Under 12's

Interview - Dean Ryan: Rugby is Special

"Good people make good rugby players, who make it fun to be involved" - Dean Ryan

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I think if anything, you know just this week with help for Heroes you sort of sometimes you can immerse yourself in modern-day professionalism and understanding sort of the game to the nth degree and people make rub be special and I think well, you know this this week, you know help for Heroes Northern Hemisphere and southern hemisphere Siders. It's just taking me back and make me remember that, you know, there's so much made are quite fortunate. I've played in The Amateur era and in professionally around both have real Highs, but sometimes you can lose sight of what bonds you all together and to get a group together in two days ranging from Alan Quinn dancers pets and to some young Academy Lads Anthony Watson Eli Walker to a couple of service class guide-module McCormack stood up and introduced himself on Tuesday. Just got off a plane from Afghanistan and he's going back Sunday morning and to stick all that and we're like we're make sure this is going to be a good week and we'll have a few beers and so you come To rubbish special because the people and never lose sight of that as said it because it's quite easy to in modern day technology that could people make good rugby players make it good fun to play.