Women's - Good contact body position/ball presentation 1
Men's - Good body position in contact & ball presentation 1
Junior - Good contact body position/ball presentation 1
Women's - Good contact body position/ball presentation 2
Men's - Good body position in contact & ball presentation 2
Retaining possession in Seven's wins matches, it's that simple but these days you need to improve your contact skills. Phil Greening provides a few tips and some insight into some of the USA's training drills
A strong scrum can be a great weapon for attack in seven's, in this clip the Red scrum puts pressure on the defending loose head (Right hand prop) which wheels the scrum and allows the defending scrum half to disrupt the ball forcing a turnover. Key factors : Tight binding - Low body position - Leg drive - Working as a unit
A variety of passes create a 2 v 1 which is executed perfectly for the outside attacker to score. Key factors : Different angles of running and support - Comunication - Ball presentation - Effective clearing of defenders at the breakdown - Accurate wide passes - Attack the inside shoulder of the last defender - Flat spin pass
Good tackle technique when chasing a player from behind. The defender gets to his feet quickly to contest the ball. Key factors : Head to one side - Arms around attackers waist and slide down - Keep your arms around the attackers legs - Use momentum to get back to your feet
A simple but effective attack from a scrum. Three good passes provides the winger to run past his defender to score. Notice how the first reciever is directly behind the scrum and not to the side, (This makes the pass from the scrum easier when under pressure). Key factors : Position of 1st reciever - Run straigh and wide spin pass - Speed of the runner
Sevens - Offloads 1
Get your players ready for contact with these exercises, warming up the body for a season of collisions. Start with 1 minute on 1 minute off and play about with the intervals!
Seven's is about creating chances and then taking them. In this clip the Blue team take the ball up the middle of the pitch to draw in defenders, after recycling the ball they have a 2 v 1 opportunity, a straight line of running and a flat wide pass creates the try. Key factors : Call early - Run straight - Wide spin pass - Catch and swerve to score
Sevens - Full Lineout 1
Men's - Lineout maul good defence 1
Leeds academy coaches cover the fundamentals skills for the contact area. This is a useful session for young players to focus on body position and key techinques.
Having identified a 2 v 1 situation, the RGS Guildford player decides not to give an early pass from the breakdown, but instead to run and commit the defender before giving a pass to his teammate. Key factors: Timing - communication - accurate passing
Concentrating on the actions of the tackler and the support player in the moments after a tackle. It's important to practice the correct body position and technique so that the right decision can be made on the pitch.
Close contact in a small channel ensures the players work their movement skills in both attack and defence. The coach reinforces the skills for contact prior to progressing this exercise
Develop the individual before the unit as a whole
Using games to coach can be a challenge for junior coaches. In this clip the Sale sharks community coach delivers a session to develop contact skills at the breakdown by using games, questioning and challenging the players. This can be used for all Junior age groups
A strong scrum from the black team turns over the ball for an attack. The left hand prop (Loose head) puts pressure on the Red team hooker so that he does not hook the ball effectively. Key factors : Tight binding - Low driving position - Working as a unit - Leg drive
A variety of passing and phases which are used to stretch the defence in order to create a whole for the attacker to exploit. Key factors : Wide spin pass - Short pop pass - Overhead pass - Lots of calling and commuication - Players retreat backwards to be in support
Developing good body shape is key in the warm up, especially prior to any contact or scrum work
A well contested scrum from both teams. Good technique and body position ensure a solid and safe scrum. The red team use this restart to kick and gain territory. Key factors : Strong body position - Tight binding between the players - Calling - Players push in a straight line - Ball control from ther no 8
A full contact game, conditioned with channels on either side of the pitch. The attacking team must get the ball to both channels before they are allowed to score a try.
This is to spread the attack out, and create more opportunities for turnover ball to occur.
NB - Please ensure players have completed a full upper body warm-up before going into this full contact session.
Encouraging players to improve their "Floor" skills is the key to improving contact skills such as tackling, rucking and competing for the ball. It might be simple but it is effective
To build confidence in tackling technique and taking contact, it can be a good idea to start with players on their knees.
Sevens expert Russell Earnshaw talks through his coaching philosophy and approach to drills, exercises and games
Use these quick and competitive games to practice good and strong ball presentation. Practice with high standards and it will come naturally in the games!
The coaches use a variety of conditions for both the attackers and defenders to reinforce the coaching points. Small sided games enable players to learn in a live environment similar to actual match conditions
To prevent injury, it's important to ensure your players have done some upper body / contact exercises before doing any tackling drills.
Use these quick and competitive games to practice good and strong ball presentation. Practice with high standards and it will come naturally in the games!
To execute an offload you need to have support players in the right area, here the ball carrier knows he has support and is able to take a risk and offload out of the back of the tackle. Prior to the offload the ball carrier works hard to stay on his feet. Key factor : Leg drive - Twist and work the body in contact - Control ball one handed - Communication from support players
Adding a live defender helps to encourage players to hold their depth in support, so a good pass can be completed.
Some basic wrestling exercises to get the upper body ready for contact.
The breakdown has become a significant area for coaches and players to focus on. All players now need the technical skills and the intensity to compete at the tackle area and if players are poor in this area teams will be exposed. Some teams will select a specialist in this area and combine his skills with tackle technique from other players so that they work in units to turn over possesion
A new tackle technique exercise without the "Bone on Bone" collisions
With less players the breakdown is much cleaner in Seven's and knowing the laws and being accurate in your skills wins matches. Mike Friday clarifies what can be a complex area and why many coaches focus on this facet of the game
Tackling 4 - Feet and Body Position
Continuity in Attack - Contact
Every player should be able to perform these movements well! Mastering these will carry over to preventing injuries, managing collisions and maximising power and speed. Check out the related videos for part 2.
The leading international coaches explain why defence is so important and how much emphasis they put on it. This clip features a variety of tackles and techniques and post good defence the opportunity to turn the ball over. Most coaches will use a system for their defence and here are some insights
Improving some simple ball presentation skills can have a significant effect on the quality of your breakdown and the speed of the ball delivered from the contact area. This is a great technique that all players should learn
A few fun exercises that many families have moved away from. Wrestling is great for experiencing contact
This exercise from London Scottish works to maintain high levels of both ball presentation and handling skills at the same time.
Saracens community coach uses games and competitive activities to introduce the contact elements of rugby. This builds confidence in players prior to actual contact skills
Practice body position and warm up for full scrum session.
From a turnover in contact the attackers pass the ball wide one way and then a deep wide pass back in the other direction to pull the defence out of shape and create an opportunity to attack. Key factors : Wide flat pass - Players support from depth - Deep wide pass - Running and swerving past the defender
It is important for players to practice working hard on the ground to get the ball presented back to their team. This session uses bodyweight exercises to practice the movement and enforces it with a conditioned game. Log in to see the full video.
Revisiting the finer techniques can help to build the overall strength of your set piece, and your attack. Before even getting to the scrum machine, you can develop your players strength through their body position.
This step concentrates on achieving a lower body position before making a tackle.
From Under 10's up to senior's being safe in the scrummage is about good technique, regular practise and working on improving your body position. Wasps prop Phil Swainston outlines some of the key fundamentals
Three phases of play with accurate passing and quick ball from each breakdown creates the opportunity for the scrum half to run through and score
Key factors : Present a target with your hands - Pass the ball laterally - Run straight / inside shoulder of the defender
Sevens - Uncovered - The Sevens Referee
All elite fitness coaches will recommend body circuits for all rugby players. No player should be using weights unless they have followed a good core body weight program. This body circuit can be applied to junior players and senior players. We have other video clips that show the techniques in more detail
7s training
Use this game to practice great ball presentation. Ensure the tackling player is bouncing back to their feet so that this mentality carries over to game day.
Elite coaches discuss their attacking philosophies and this underpines the skills and techniques they will work on as coaches and the type of trainign sessions they will plan. As a coach how do you coach the skills that the Fijian players possess or the patience the Welsh side had to win the last 7's world cup. Does the team represent the ideas and plans of the coach?
Perfect practise is about replicating match conditions in training. Phil Greening outlines his approach and provides some practical examples
A fun and easy-to-grasp game that encourages good footwork and evasion skills. This is a good warm up game to use before teaching young players contact skills for the first time, but should always be followed by an upper-body warm up as well.
A lone attacker must beat a single defender. This is great way to develop evasion skills in the attacker, and positioning for the defender.
Introduction to TAG
Introducing contact and breakdown skills to younger players can be a challenge for many coaches, in this clip the Northampton saints community coaches explain some of the technical points and use some simple practises to help them learn
A series of progressions that develop the skills required for players to manage and possibly dominate contact
Players can strike from any location on the pitch, in this clip the Red team relax thinking they have the attackers behind their own posts, however a strong scrum, good pass and great step create the gap to go through, the next 95 metres is all about speed and fitnes. Key factors : Space beetween attackers - Good pass - Side step - Speed - Stamina
Various light resistance exercises to prepare the upper body for contact work.
A good example of phase play to create a 2 v 1 attacking platform. The initial deep pass then creates an overlap and the defender drifts to allow the attacker to run through easily.
Key factors : Quick ball at breakdown - Straight lines of running - Deep pass - straight lines of running again - Loud communication
Good body posture is essential and applicable to all players regardless of age and gender
This posture transfers to the tackle, ruck, maul and in a vertical plain the lineout, so it is important that all players are coached to adopt good posture in contact
A good decision-making exercise which requires players to practice their basic running and passing skills
Progressions are used to build the technical competency and the confidence of players learning to clear defenders away from the contact area. It is interesting to see that no contact shields are used
Level 2 - Scrum Body Positions
Managing contact on your own terms is vital to most teams. The Saints academy manager explains and showcases some of the fundamental skills they work on
An opportunity for players to put what they have learnt on tackle technique into practice. Each tackle is observed by all other players who can give feedback. Ensure all players have a go at attacking and defending.
Worcester Academy - Ball Presentation