Repetitive exercises can help players become familiar with tackling technique.
Jailbreak is a fun game that allows young players to become familiar with live tackling, as well as evasion. The game is played in a small area, to the increase the chance of tackles being made, and reduce the speed of the ball-carriers.
The transition from practicing tackling on knees to tackling on feet starts with the tackler remaining on their knees and the ball-carrier walking past. Then progress to having both players on their feet, but still executing the tackle at a controlled, walking pace.
To build confidence in tackling technique and taking contact, it can be a good idea to start with players on their knees.
This exercise is part of a tackle technique progression and pitches 3 attackers v 3 defenders. As in match play the attacking players will present different challenges to the defenders. The coaches can choose to alter the conditions to put more or less pressure on the players
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