Women's - Turnovers and move the ball
Strong defence and a turnover allows two quick passes, (One long pass), and then attack the defence. The two passes have changed the channel of attack by 30 metres.
Key factors : Tackle and stay on your feet - Long quick pass / spin pass - Communicate loudly - Support the ball carrier on his shoulder
A turnover from a strong tackle and quick "Jackle" where the defender uses the momentum of the attacking player to swimg up onto his feet and contest the ball, this results in a line break. Key factors : Tackle technique - Urgency to get up to feet - Core strength - Speed
Men's - Turnover and move the ball 4
Men's - Turnover and move the ball
From a turnover in contact the attackers pass the ball wide one way and then a deep wide pass back in the other direction to pull the defence out of shape and create an opportunity to attack. Key factors : Wide flat pass - Players support from depth - Deep wide pass - Running and swerving past the defender
To ensure players consider the best options at the moment they win turnover ball.
The easy option may be to go straight back into contact, but this gives the opposition time to organise a defence.
Encourage players to move the ball away from contact and attack the space wide
A full contact game, conditioned with channels on either side of the pitch. The attacking team must get the ball to both channels before they are allowed to score a try.
This is to spread the attack out, and create more opportunities for turnover ball to occur
Dean Ryan expresses the importance of turnover ball.
Women's - Offloads 2
Men's - Good body position in contact & ball presentation 2
Junior - Ball off the top from lineout 2
Women's - Straight Scrums 2
Women's - Exiting the 22m 2
Women's - Good contact body position/ball presentation 2
Women's - Strike Moves 1
Women's - 2 v 3 1
Women's - 2 v 1
This quick practice runs through how to attack straight from a turnover.
Keeping the ball in two hands is a core skill and one that needs to be developed at ALL ages
This drill allows you to develop control over the ball and the ability to pass one handed if needed to
An example of playing the ball from the top of a lineout
This exercise tests the defenders ability to keep a peripheral view of where the next threat might be coming from and to keep communicating with colleagues. Attackers are always looking for the next opportunity an so should defenders
A counter attack invlving moving the ball wide quickly, then attack defenders with support runners and finally a 2 v 1 to score in the corner. Key factors : Strong communication - Wide spin passes - Attacking the space around defenders - Support the ball carrier from behind - Offload with two hands - straight running - Flat pass
Players can strike from any location on the pitch, in this clip the Red team relax thinking they have the attackers behind their own posts, however a strong scrum, good pass and great step create the gap to go through, the next 95 metres is all about speed and fitnes. Key factors : Space beetween attackers - Good pass - Side step - Speed - Stamina
Conor O Shea discusses the importance of turnover ball and why coaches and players should work at this regularly
In this exercise, the emphasis is on linespeed in defence. The purpose is to put pressure on the attacking team to force an error and create the turnover opportunity.
When an opportunity is acknowledged, players flood the breakdown to gain possession, before moving the ball away quickly
The turnover is an essential source of attacking ball, and one that shouldn't be ignored by coaches.
A good progression for developing difficulty from a standard drill, look at carrying the ball and moving the defender so that you can ride the tackle
Harlequins players work on a variety of techniques to "Turnover" ball and this clip shows some of the exercises they use. Coaches can choose to use similar practise's or adapt slightly for your own players
This great game helps you work on your ball transfer and fend. It teaches players how to keep the ball away from contact increasing ball retention on the pitch!
A progression from the 1 v 1 drill this exercise adds extra players to make the decision making process more realistic. The coaches can vary the delivery of the ball and the width of the area to put different conditions to the players
Level 2 - Scrum Body Positions
Seven's is about creating chances and then taking them. In this clip the Blue team take the ball up the middle of the pitch to draw in defenders, after recycling the ball they have a 2 v 1 opportunity, a straight line of running and a flat wide pass creates the try. Key factors : Call early - Run straight - Wide spin pass - Catch and swerve to score
A full contact game, conditioned with channels on either side of the pitch. The attacking team must get the ball to both channels before they are allowed to score a try.
This is to spread the attack out, and create more opportunities for turnover ball to occur.
NB - Please ensure players have completed a full upper body warm-up before going into this full contact session.
Description of activity: One player from each team must stand behind the try line at the end of the pitch and act as a scorer. The team in possession of the ball may score a point by passing the ball to their scorer. The scorer must stay behind the try line but may move along the length in order to receive the ball. Rotate the scorers after every score
Adding variety into your sessions keeps players interested as they learn new skills or try to improve key techniques but in a different way. Patrick O'Grady from London Irish explain why he uses different sized balls
RGS Guildford secure lineout ball and perform a 'circle' ball, with the fly-half looping around the centre who pops the ball back to him. This is to draw in defenders, to create space out wide. The winger is able to exploit this space to complete the try.
To execute an offload you need to have support players in the right area, here the ball carrier knows he has support and is able to take a risk and offload out of the back of the tackle. Prior to the offload the ball carrier works hard to stay on his feet. Key factor : Leg drive - Twist and work the body in contact - Control ball one handed - Communication from support players
A fun but competitive warm-up game that get's players switched on and ready to train.
A progression to build passing technique. The ball should be pushed from the waist rather than the player swinging the arm back first. Push through the ball so your arm finishes pointing at your target. Don't forget to practice on both hands.
A good 'go to' strike move for all players 1-15 to know. Passing the ball behind a decoy runner can commit and confuse defenders, hopefully creating holes to attack.
Breaking down the turnover situation into separate technical elements, players can work on their essential skills.
Here, in a series of progressions, the emphasis is on the first defender to arrive at the breakdown. They should attack the breakdown and fight to get through and past the ball.
A variety of passes create a 2 v 1 which is executed perfectly for the outside attacker to score. Key factors : Different angles of running and support - Comunication - Ball presentation - Effective clearing of defenders at the breakdown - Accurate wide passes - Attack the inside shoulder of the last defender - Flat spin pass
Three phases of play with accurate passing and quick ball from each breakdown creates the opportunity for the scrum half to run through and score Key factors Present a target with your hands Pass the ball laterally Run straight / inside shoulder of the defender
A good example of phase play to create a 2 v 1 attacking platform. The initial deep pass then creates an overlap and the defender drifts to allow the attacker to run through easily.
Key factors : Quick ball at breakdown - Straight lines of running - Deep pass - straight lines of running again - Loud communication
Progress to working in 3s against two static defenders. The pressure is on the middle player to hold their depth and perform a quick pass.
The transition from practicing tackling on knees to tackling on feet starts with the tackler remaining on their knees and the ball-carrier walking past. Then progress to having both players on their feet, but still executing the tackle at a controlled, walking pace.
Tag Game - End Ball and Rugby Netball
The sides are now even and the players can tackle, but not attempt to steal the ball. Again, the defence must retreat 5m, giving the attackers opportunities.
Eddie Jones manages a game at training focusing on creating quick ball, is this the basis of his attacking game & will it work?
Skill Practice Description • The playing area is marked out in 5m channels. • When defending, players must stay within their channel throughout the game. • The attack must look to penetrate the defence by creating and preserving space. • The defence must use a two handed touch. • There is a 5 tackle turnover rule and once possession is turned over, the defence must get into a channel as the opposition can attack immediately. Key Coaching Points • Support players to hold their opposite number as long as possible before cutting a line to take the pass. • The defender can close the space as far as the edge of their own channel. • If the support player cuts too early or the ball carrier does not move their defender enough, the support player will be touched/tackled. Relevance to the Game • This game will help develop the footwork and running lines to effectively move defenders in order to penetrate the tackle line.
This exercise from London Scottish works to maintain high levels of both ball presentation and handling skills at the same time.
Now working in just twos, we are concerned with depth, and the timing of the pass. Allow players to practice before adding a static defender. This can be a tackle bag as demonstrated. Players take the ball up to the defender but must complete the pass before they reach it.
A well contested scrum from both teams. Good technique and body position ensure a solid and safe scrum. The red team use this restart to kick and gain territory. Key factors : Strong body position - Tight binding between the players - Calling - Players push in a straight line - Ball control from ther no 8
Young players are very rarely taught how to hold the ball. This video explains why this is important, how to coach it and incorporates some fun grip games to enforce the technique.
Use this game to practice great ball presentation. Ensure the tackling player is bouncing back to their feet so that this mentality carries over to game day.
To often coaches go straight to working on areas of the game without breaking a specific skill into its multiple parts. Not only is this less effective but can be dangerous and lead to bad habits. This clip shows you how to approach the turnover
Scotlands clever score from the line out v Ireland was a great example of coaches or players being innovative and looking at new ways to do things. This clip shows a few slightly different uses for placing your scrum half at the front of the line out. It is just ideas and about pushing the boundaries of the laws
Winning the ball back after the tackle is essential
For developing evasive movements players need to be able to move their arms and legs quickly - wiring and firing the body to go faster
This drill encourages players to contest for the ball while staying on their feet.
Progress to include reaction to a tackle and focus on getting on your feet quickly
Gradually progress from 2 static defenders, to 3 v 2 roaming defenders. The first two players must draw their defenders before giving the pass.
Tackling 20 - 2 man Tackle
Sir Ian Mcgeechan discusses the importance of the turnover and how it creates winning opportunities
Dropping the ball properly is considered the main priority for many kickers, if they get the drop right then the other techniques fall into place. Dave Walder from the Newcastle Falcons explains some of the skills
A great drill with explanations and supporting theory to help coaches improve their players accuracy and legality at the breakdown
Use these quick and competitive games to practice good and strong ball presentation. Practice with high standards and it will come naturally in the games!
The core ball provides a variety of challenges to the player in both body management and technical competence
Use these quick and competitive games to practice good and strong ball presentation. Practice with high standards and it will come naturally in the games!
Controlling the ball is a fundamental skill, it may be simple but it is very important. Practise is important and is the foundation to passing and the ability to control and vary your pass
Worcester Academy - Ball Presentation
Good players have more time on the ball? What they do do is prepare accurately with depth, width and run good lines. This sets them up to catch & pass with time and options. The practises in this clip outline some of the disciplines required to get you "More time"