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Categories > Under 7's

A Cultural Shift

England Head Coach Stuart Lancaster describes signs of a cultural shift with the England camp as they take part in a community coaching challenge.

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Interesting because it's the first week of a new era for England and part of the decision to put a community coach and activity for me to see whether there was a cultural shift in England team. The perception is that players of it themselves and their you want to give any back. So I'm not dictated to the players only pleasure to introduce coaching session of said we need a tan to pick you you can decide who comes but the one thing I will say is the impact you have on these young people and it's one hour session love an impact of the silver them for Way Beyond this this day and tomorrow in the month of the year. So I think about that before you make a decision, but we make some of them to coach and by the way while you're doing the community and you helped in this session out we're going to assess you as coaches. I can see the players all sat there to the my particular and we needed eight coaches and one of those go to the said Can we only more so which way we got 20 pitch to under score 20 members of squad to come down and do the session. So that's two things one. It's a sign of a cultural shift head and to it's a it's a fascinating insight into play as it would be great for them to actually get the feedback themselves as to how effective they are because they are competitive animals and now they all want to win the coaching challenge.