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Back Play from Set Piece - Attack from Line Out

To take advantage of the forwards being grouped and to utilize the space this provides, the appropriate strike call needs to be made and space attached.
Attacking the space between the two teams is paramount and attacking the ball when running support lines will assist the offload and turn defenders.

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Here we see the attacking fly-half who fails to engage the first offender. This gives the two senses just one Defender to attack and the subsequent movement is some 10 meters behind the game line. The ball is with the wing before any space is attacked and the gain line is crossed only because the defense backs away. From a similar position the same call is made the lineup breaks down and this allows the defense to advance to the back foot notice how the first movement of the FI half is not to attack but to move across the field with a pass. So the decoy Runners have no effect on the defense. On The Run round the fly-half does attack the space but the support is far too deep to gain an advantage. The attacking team must attack the defense to have any influence here. The ball is taken flattered and the decoys do a good job in fixing Defenders. Notice the black 14 is the last Defender and a scoring opportunity is missed. Notice in this example how the decoys attack and hold three Defenders. The fly-half receives On The Run round and immediately attacks the space the inside running line of the supporting Wing beats the wide marker and a try a scored. Here the team in Black take the ball flat and the first movement is always forward attacking the space in front of the defense. The support lines are deliberate and the tempo is kept high in this example. The Midfield is attacked and the line breaking pass is made right in the face of the defense.