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Conor O Shea - is gamesense important

Conor O Shea discuss how using games is a big part of coaching at all levels

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They're important nice a massively important. I think I talked earlier but again been leveled a pendant but it's also, you know coach to pendant and and what you want to achieve so there may be some people who are very drill orientated and very structured. There may be others and I think we've been that camp who'd like to say that we will learn through games because I said you learn your skill at an early age. How do you become better under pressure in games to me? You do that by playing games? So we'd like to think that we will do a lot of a lot of our learning a lot of our game understanding through playing games and then if there are issues with specific players individual players, and this is the individual needs then you can address that with in skills clinics afterwards with that player. Yes, you still have drills you still breaking down to get proper technique, but for me the Of actually making a skill better. I'm making a player better is by putting a lot of pressure in the game.