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Developing running lines to attack

A series of progressions to develop how players attack when "Coming round the corner" from phase play

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Good, excellent. Well done. Some players need to spend time on the on the drill side of things to really refine the skills. And I think everybody's different. Right? All we're going to do guys is just build up this drill from from a91 out pass. So the name is going to be passing out here. We're going to have the pads up. We're going to get our systems Gavin Grant tall the pads. We're looking to get where over the gate line where we're looking to get in the defense to a shoulder. But yeah guys are quite like you to try and get on the outside of grunts of change sticking here but of footwork and then try it again his outside shoulder here again. I want to see a transfer the boss of two hands and then a transfer with a friend on Grant they're all right. Let's go. Good big left foot plant to and go on the outside and get that ball the two hands. It's go. good footwork get control that ball earlier. Maybe it's a little bit more depth there. Goodnight. Good. Think about reaching for the ball get your fingers up. All right, right guys. So what I don't want. All right is a don't want Place coming around in a Big Arc like this and receiving the ball, its opening yourself up for a big side on tackle there. Okay, and you're running the wrong way. All right. So what I'd like to see is more of an L shape, so as I'm coming around the corner, I'm talking to Malcolm Young Marco Yeah marker and then I'm going for yeah, but then I'm down. I'm on the outside. Okay, so we're not that big sweeping curve that we've seen in the past. We're looking to go straight across and then ninety degree turn on them. All right good for Josh. Good luck. Right. When is the best time guys to meet you shift to make you sort of your foot your foot work? Sorry. So the fence is coming up where the defender is going to be looking when that wears Grant looking where's Gavin looking they're going to be looking in that see when the ball gets past don't like doing that whenever on the corner it's late as possible basically, so when the ball is traveling in the air, okay, that's when I want to be stepping off this foot. All right, and trying to get on the outside of the late shift is what we're looking for, right? So what I want now is we're going to try and put one passenger. All right, so I'm going to ask after step a little bit wider and grunt to go wider again. So we're looking to put the shift the shift passing. So as I come around the corner or you want to come around come around its first and see if they're get on the outside shoulder Gap if you go sexual a car get outside of Grant key and we're both trying to get on outside shoulders. Actually, well done. Good group. Well done good that yeah sex a good time with Ali right? What we'll do now. So is it decision to be made? So as I look around the corner Nick Kansas coming with me going outside next so I'm going around the corner here. I'm getting the ball a little bit later good hit the contact again this whole and actually I'm getting through. All right, and and then I'm making an offload. All right, but I'd like you to get on the outside shoulder of Grant still so don't come through the same hole as me good accent. Well done. If I was to give a if I were to give a tip to a young coach, it would probably along the basis of try and make sure the players come away from the sessions wanted to come back and do more because they enjoy what they do if you get that right the kids up by anywhere and I'll go along with