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Passing and Attacking Lines

Northampton Saints Academy coaches introduce a conditioned exercise to help develop attacking skills.

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The ball always starts at the corner of the touchline in the halfway line when you've passed the ball. Number one and number one are going to defend just 200 touch. The idea is your group of six score a try over the five meter line. The pitch is touchline 215. Touch it out of here. Okay fellas. No. No, everybody come in that's four times come in hands up who thought six onto is going to be very easy. Yeah, it's all right fellas. Always the same always the same. What do we need to do first? Somebody said you said draw the man do we have to draw more? Just stopping what we have to do a lot first tackle a first offender. Take it inside children. Get him off balance. Take his inside shoulder isolate him. So, how do we isolate pun Mei and plant the street? How do we do that run at him have we done anything quickly yet new we haven't really ever so once you've isolated him then what do we do? I see it the next player. Is there much chat at the moment? There's not a lot of is there one where do you want to put him? tight you want him there? Triangle I want to try and go so there. Bit wider, they're happy with that. But you happy in general. Okay, let's have another one. Where do you think we want to put this one if we got an extra man? It was in the diamond. Do I like this? We're getting there. That's nice. That's nice. So that's the s***. We want to try and work towards that gives us lots of options to play options angles and speed run at some Halls run fast run hard at him. Good luck who's outside of go go go go finish it off. That'll do. That'll do that'll do well done. There's nobody holding Inside Man. You're quite correct. Good Lord. No God Jack Attack Attack Attack dive. I'll do well done simple things fellas last one. Good luck. Nicely done, excellent to the finish on fellows. Well done. Okay. What did you pick up from that bush? Inside mine was a very good option yet anything else? Communication is key. Yeah, working off the ball and working around the ball. And Pace Pace or becomes a lot easier when it's done quickly. I like that that was good. It's session tonight was basically a culture education session is designed around the attack the principles of attack and getting the younger players to understand angles of running and positioning and changing changing their positions in attack appreciating what they needed to do to achieve success in different situations and encourage their support play and get them out of just waiting for things to happen and waiting on the wing started. Just letting them run that first channel drill always works the same way in the sense that they will always pass the ball along the line and of going into touch and run slowly that then develops over the course of five ten occurrences and they get to understanding the ship they should have then you actually ask them what the ship should be. And they can tell you what the ship should be but they just won't have done it. Then you can increase that and look at the isolation. How do you isolate that first player? What should we be doing? How do we want to isolate the first player then the second player if you're doing more advanced players you can then bring the elements of Defense into it. We didn't there because it was just purely gear to the attack and you can build it up and put the third third defender in but that was to get the principles there and then take those principles into a touch game and the touch game is designed to encourage support player so that you have to be running you have to be supporting the ball carrier all the time. If you don't if you wait, then you don't get success.