Skill Practice Description
• The teams play touch with the ball being passed back through the legs when touched.
• The defender/s who make the touch, turn (drop off) immediately and run to their own try line.
• These drop off defenders need to realign with the defence as soon as possible.
• The attack should seek to take advantage of the space created by the drop off defender/s.
• To get maximum effort from the players, it is advised the pitch is not so long that players do not make the effort to realign in defence.
• The coach may observe the attacking players moving the ball away from the space opportunity left by the drop off player. It may be that the defence close the space left by the drop off, however this will create space elsewhere. Can the attack find the appropriate space to utilise?
Key Coaching Points
• Speed in scanning and communicating the spatial opportunity.
• Defensive effort to drop off a realign so the defence can cover the primary threat.