Okay next game. We're going to play a color touch. Basically. It's going to be As soon as you touched you become scrum-half, okay, but I want you to get behind the defender. Okay, the fender so tackling person person has made the touch takes a knee to go out the game if I shout a color. So if I shout blue green yellow for instance, you've got to go and find a cone of that color. If you're on the defending team attacking team. You just take a normal stance as you would for for an attack. Okay, you're not allowed to play the baldness is a key part really until I say play. All right, so it'll be touched you'd be back on side Defenders. I say color off to find that color cone and then it will be play and you'll be attacking a disorganized offense makes sense. Okay, green you're going to start. It's got to be pretty sharp this game guys. Let's play let's go. Let's go we're away. okay touch her red Play let's go play. Okay, turnover ball blue ball turnover ball. Let's play. Okay tents their blue wait until I say play Let's Play Let's Go. Okay turnover ball to me green ball. Let's go. Let's play. Yeah, I've got to say yellow play try that. We're going to play pick up and play Blues. Let's go. Let's go. touch their white Play Let's Go. We're in business. We're in business. Try that with play pickup and play again guys. Tents there. Let's go red. He's away touch that green. play Can we get a school that let's pick it up and play Let's go. I know it's tough work. Let's go. Touch their let's go yellow. plate greens were pick up and play again. Let's go. That's a no color this time. No colors. Just play just play. Touch the green this is Nikki green that play Let's Go. Tents there. Let's go White. play let's say let's go yellow will have a quick play. Let's go play. Good stuff will play next try wins guys. Blue ball. Let's go.