Coaching tackle technique never stops. As players get older, the challenges become more complex and coaches need to provide more detail to improve the finer skill sets. This video provides some expert tips that may help you improve tackle technique and the first phase of the ruck / breakdown.
Head injuries are a serious consequence to rugby and an area that deserves the attention of all players and coaches.
Be proactive by coaching and re-coaching tackle technique to reinforce good habits.
This clip illustrates tackle technique using progressions suitable to all players and possibly requiring regular revisit to embed safe and effective tackling
Introducing tackle technique to players is a challenging process and the Wasps coaches ensure the players understand and are competent at each step prior to progressing to the next one
Give players the opportunity to practice their tackling technique. In groups of five, one player in the middle has four tackle attempts. Make sure everyone has a go and the key points are repeated.
[WITH DRILL VIDEOS] This session from Joe Goodman (Bristol University Rugby) has been designed to prepare players for a return to full contact competition, re-establishing correct technique to ensure safe, efficient tackling through progressively increasing the level of contact and complexity of skill execution.
The Falcons coaches use a variety of games and breakout drills to progress their tackle technique session. The players respond to questions to vary the style of coaching