Working in pairs, the key point of this passing drill is for the support runner to be deep and taking the ball at pace.
Handling Progression for developing the ability to create depth from a flat line
Aim of the game: In pairs, walk, jog or run around the grid, passing to their partner only when they call for the ball. Other players will be obstructing their vision and the flight of the pass, so decisions on when to pass will need to be developed
The quality of passes from Ford and Farrell to enable Elliot Daley to slide past his defender was the difference in the Wales V England match. The skills required to perfect these passes were honed on the training ground over several years. See what type of drills they did and still do
Harlequins pride themselves on their attacking play and the foundation to this philosophy is the quality of their passing. Attack coach Colin Osbourne runs skills session on passing accuracy.
Elite Sixth form players showcase that good passing technique is essential to become a good rugby player. The pass has some simple but very important components that need to be practised
This clip shows the classic passing process but with a significant twist in what players can do post the pass
Now working in just twos, we are concerned with depth, and the timing of the pass. Allow players to practice before adding a static defender. This can be a tackle bag as demonstrated. Players take the ball up to the defender but must complete the pass before they reach it.
This clip reinforces the importance of passing and especially accurate passing. The coaches use a variety of practises to test the players skills and help them progress uses cookies
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