Skill Practice Description • Each player is given a colour. • The coach will call out a colour at any time during the game. • The defender/s who have been given that colour need to leave the defence line, run round the nearest cone of that colour and rejoin the defence. • The attack should identify where the spatial opportunity has appeared and take immediate advantage. • The frequency of the call depends on how much the coach wants to work the players. • The coach may call for all players, both defence and attack, to run around an allotted cone colour. • Coach should have two rugby balls to ensure a fast game and a change of defence to attack at times. Key Coaching Points • Visual Acuity-Looking for space • Spatial awareness • Communication - highlighting spaces and mismatches • Evasion skills and footwork • Decision making Relevance to the Game • Spaces are created by the leaving defenders, which the attack has to identify, decide on the appropriate action and attack accordingly. • By using the second ball, the coach can also develop counter attack
In this game, defenders in coloured bibs are called back to touch their try line, creating space and opportunities for the attack to exploit.
A great game to play to develop spacial awareness and scanning techniques of players under pressure. Defensive players are allocated colours; which when called out require defenders to touch a nearby cone. Thus creating space for the attackers to exploit.
This game develops the ability of the attack to play against a broken field that is different everytime.
Skill Practice Description • Two or three players (depending on numbers in each team) wear bibs of a different colour to the others. • The players in bibs can participate in every way except their tackles do not count. • The objective is for the team in possession to attack the areas these players defend. • If other defenders move to cover the players in bibs, that will open space elsewhere. • The defence may position the bibbed players in order to protect them or limit the spatial options. • Any strategic thinking is to be encouraged. • A progression may be to remove the bibs and nominate players to role play as non tackles or loose tackles if playing full contact. • It is the job of the attack to identify and find these weaker areas in the defence and take advantage. • It is the job of the defence not to leave these players exposed in too much space. Key Coaching Points • The attacking team are to scan for weaker defenders. • Once identified, keep working the attack to these areas. • If the defence cover the weaker defenders the attack should scan to seek out alternative opportunity as a result
A game for understanding the importance of support.
A game for understanding uses cookies
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