This exercise asks players to attack from the front while still on their knees. It is important than the tackler pushers his shoulder through onto the outside hip of the attacker with the head staying outside as well. 1. Shoulder. 2 Arms tight 3. Drive
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So either go right? I'll go left. Okay. Good work. Excellent. Are we get come back?
In preparation to tackle there are a number of progressions or warm up exercises that coaches should introduce, this exercise not only warms up the muscles but is a competitive tussle and gets children used to contact with the ground
Players sit back to back, arms interlocked and knees bent. The coach says left or right. The players must battle to pull their partner to the floor on the said side.
Progress from warm up skills and introduce the first technical factors. This exercise encourages close contact skills using core strength rather than levers
The condition in this game is for those making the 'tackle' (or touch) to drop to their knee for four seconds before re-joining the game.
This should give more space for the attackers to exploit. A good game if you have been working on 2v1 or 3v2 handling exercises.
Players sit back-to-back and link arms. The coach calls either left or right, and the players try to get the corresponding shoulder to the ground; thus fighting against their partner.
A great warm up before going into contact.
Using three attackers ensures the defender tackles on both sides and from slightly different angles. The coach can vary the pace and width of this exercise
Players get into pairs and take up a press-up position facing each other. They then attempt to slap away their opponents arms.
The exercise requires balance, core and upper body strength. uses cookies
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