Rugby netball is a ball game that is great for warm ups and getting a session started. The coach can set targets for the number of passes or set up goals to score through, just set the conditions you want to work to
Tag Game - End Ball and Rugby Netball
In this game of 'rugby netball' (or 3D touch), use four goals instead of 2, to encourage more movement around the pitch and for players to learn spacial awareness and communication.
A great game to get players passing, talking and moving into space. The game is spread wider by having four possible goals to attack.
Rugby Netball
Elite coaches explain how they translate their desired playing philosophy and principles into practical hands-on coaching approaches, drills and games
A game for developing players understanding of space out wide.
A game for warming up and to develop players' awareness of space.
A great fun game that combines rugby and football, that also tests the players skills for catch & pass, awareness and support play. This can be played with age groups from 13 / 14 upwards uses cookies
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