Being able to pass under pressure is how players perform in games. This exercise challenges players to react to multiple prompts and is great for all junior and senior players
Changing your catch & pass practises is always a good way to add variety into your sessions. This practise is not only different but the defenders are putting pressure on the attackers from a variety of angles
Adding pressure to key skills is crucial to improve your players and to practise like you play. This exercise covers a variety of skills but essentially is about accurate passing and fixing defenders
Progress to working in 3s against two static defenders. The pressure is on the middle player to hold their depth and perform a quick pass.
Children are naturally competitive and will engage more in training exercises that include a competitive edge. This challenges their skills under pressure and creates excitement and fun
To develop and progress the loop pass
Use progressions to change the pressure points so that players are taken "Out of their comfort zone" and experience more match related situations. Rugby is about creating a 2 v 1 opportunity so fixing defenders is one of the most important skills to learn
This clip shows the classic passing process but with a significant twist in what players can do post the pass uses cookies
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