Tag Game - End Ball and Rugby Netball
Tag Game - Tag Rugby 1
Rugby netball is a ball game that is great for warm ups and getting a session started. The coach can set targets for the number of passes or set up goals to score through, just set the conditions you want to work to
A fun but competitive warm-up game that get's players switched on and ready to train.
Description of activity: One player from each team must stand behind the try line at the end of the pitch and act as a scorer. The team in possession of the ball may score a point by passing the ball to their scorer. The scorer must stay behind the try line but may move along the length in order to receive the ball. Rotate the scorers after every score
Rugby Netball
In this game of 'rugby netball' (or 3D touch), use four goals instead of 2, to encourage more movement around the pitch and for players to learn spacial awareness and communication.
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