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Contact Preparation

To prevent injury, it's important to ensure your players have done some upper body / contact exercises before doing any tackling drills.

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Give me five just before we start to take a beer contact. Okay, just pair up with someone. Okay, get a bull have a wrestle take a few hits copper leg tackles and we'll go straight in. Okay, so that's it. Massive just get ourselves ready. Just so when you take it's not weird experience don't get injured. Good. Good good. Okay, just a couple of others as well. So Marco just said about five minutes away. It's going to run at least gonna run up my right shoulder It's Gonna Get Set. We're gonna hit this get a good shot. Okay, he's going to come in on the left. We hit. We take a shot soon as he comes back. We just take it both of you when the Collision stop just say you hit ready. No ice last explode into the Heat and then stop to get good connection then stop. There you go. Let's get yourself off. nice Perfect. Then the final one find one with you Doug. We're going to be just beyond our launches. The guys will go Jordan comes in. Sorry would be nice to know she's gonna go to a side. We're going to go make a leg tackle this go down real easy after that. That's it. Just 100 feet shoulder each and then you're done. Yeah, it's a smack into was just get yourself ready. That's the other leg tackle. Perfect. Excellent easy. So a couple of them and we'll stop