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Warm up - Wrestling on Knees

In preparation to tackle there are a number of progressions or warm up exercises that coaches should introduce, this exercise not only warms up the muscles but is a competitive tussle and gets children used to contact with the ground

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But one of the most important things is that there's Junior players that you warm up properly. Okay. So we're like you to do is link around each other's chests get a little bit closer to each other close that hug each other. Okay, you are going to try and put this man down to this side and you're going to try and put him down to that. So when I say go okay, whenever you fall on the floor don't put your arms out don't put your arms out. If you do put your arms out you might injure yourself or your shoulder or your elbow your wrist. So we keep really tight. Okay, it's very important ready go. That's one nail back up again. Now we're going to go to the other side on my go go. Excellent. Last one up we get. You're going this side. Alex is going to his left go. Well done.