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Learning to Lift for the Lineout - Get started

Some slightly different progressions in building upon the basic skills for an effective line out

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We're just introducing the players back into line out lifting and line out jumping. So focusing on the jumpers to engage our core keep their legs together get used to Jumping again. Like they would in the line out lifters concentrating on on lifting throwing the guy in the are locking them out and providing a good powerful lift. Nice. Perfect. That is the basic fundamentals of lifting someone in line out. This is the first introductory session. There's no need to involve the ball too much to start off with or any movement or patterns in line up that law come later. This is purely the basics. So we're going to start off. I think you're playing games 10 minutes and then with me for 10 minutes three times, so we'll start with the very Basics and then build up see that that's a really good back lift guys stepping forward into the lift and Kind of like accelerating into it. So front lifter, you've really you've really got to work hard to like lockout and and step forward into your lift as well to give you a bit of momentum. So try that again, that's perfect much better much better. That's really good. But just see one more of that that was good on that one really really focus on like the power into the lift. So you got kind of halfway and then because you're both arms quite strong you can just always press him up, but try and get it. So instead of just that last press you're really throwing him up. So use more of your legs and your upper body. Bassett nice, right so really lifters step into the step into the lift a lockout. If you're not locked out you won't be able to hold them there for very long. So you've got to step in kind trying like keep your arms locked out and it keep your face forward and that will give you this easier on your shoulders. Then OK ready 3 2 1 up. Let's do a lockout hold it jumpers really jumpers really squeeze your ass together got one down all day long, but he's solid down down this group down down. Yeah so jumpers D just move pods. So just work work with someone different three two. one sit Nice, it's good jumpers. You've got a big you've got big responsibility to keep keep tight. Squeeze your ass together going. That's good. Nice. That's good. Try and keep him there try and keep him that I wish you way you actually the lightest one here. That's it. So now what I want to do is lift her you're going to be on your own in the middle props. I want you to take like two meters apart. So then I lift it up jumper you're not going to move. So you're going to stay where you are props or lifters. I want you to come to the jumper. Okay, so it's a little bit more timing. So Jumper, this is you've got to communicate with the props telling when you're ready. You set you set the drill off and these guys will come to you and meet you. Nice. Okay. So that was perfect like really good great example, like it's just kind of the movement of the props. So you've got to get in quick get your feet under you so you're not lifting from out here in a bad position. So you get under you can bend your knees and use your legs to get that explosive lift. Okay, so split off into your threes and just practice that just for a couple of minutes so jumpers make sure your jump is good as well. So you're locking yourself out. Nice, that's it. That's that's where you've got to be really aggressive particularly the front guy obviously all the momentum because you're naturally going to jump a little bit forward and you've got a guy coming to meet you. So your front guy has got to be really solid so really step into it and drive into the lift.