Using a coloured grid, pods of 3 can work on their timing and technique when moving before the lift. The coach calls which colour cone to jump from, so the players can learn to react quickly.
Rotate jumpers so that players practice working in different pods.
A dynamic practise for speed and quality of lifting in lineouts. This exercise can be used for 15's and 7's and for different age groups. The coaches can vary the distance of the cones and progress to both lifters moving. Coaches can add some fun by making it a competition. Key factors : The jumper must jump - Core body strength - Keep body stiff and straight - Lifters work together - Lock out arms - Bring the jumper down safely
Four lifting pods must hold their jumpers aloft long enough for them to pass a ball through the hands twice.
Lifters should stand close together and try to lock-out their arms.
Jumpers should maintain a strong core and keep their legs straight to make life easier for the lifters.