This exercise asks players to attack from the front while still on their knees. It is important than the tackler pushers his shoulder through onto the outside hip of the attacker with the head staying outside as well. 1. Shoulder. 2 Arms tight 3. Drive
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So either go right? I'll go left. Okay. Good work. Excellent. Are we get come back?
Using three attackers ensures the defender tackles on both sides and from slightly different angles. The coach can vary the pace and width of this exercise
Making sure that defenders put their head on the correct side is the most important aspect of tackling, coaches can improve confidence by using contact shields and surprise tactics to help train players improve their technique
Finally introduce live 1 v 1 tackling in a controlled environment using a channel. Standards will vary but as coaches it is important to praise all of the players. Doing this exercise too early may cause problems and refrain from doing so until the fundamental skills have mastered
Give players the opportunity to practice their tackling technique. In groups of five, one player in the middle has four tackle attempts. Make sure everyone has a go and the key points are repeated.
Progress from warm up skills and introduce the first technical factors. This exercise encourages close contact skills using core strength rather than levers
Start with the players kneeling, explain the cheek to cheek technique and ensure each player is competent, you can then add some competition and fun by adding some conditions uses cookies
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