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Parents - Rugby Drills Coaching Library

Categories > Catching & Passing

Andy Farrell's 3 Top tips For Defence

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Top 3 tips to get the ball back as soon as we possibly can. The first one will be. To make sure that we have enough width within our defensive line so that we can get up get up nice and square because the minute that we don't have enough with the opposition see see the space on the outside and they try to go to that that's good Spice in Lads. That's it. Well done. Okay. Let's go the second thing would be to make sure that your go up nice and square. If you go up nice and squirt, then you can defend both ways. If you go up drifting to one side, then you can only defend one way because on your inside shoulder you tend to be tackling with we are armed and not your body. Are you sure the so if you go up nice and square you could defend to the left or you can defend to the right. I said that's a good work. Good work. Okay, I don't want to hear slap. So when I hear folks because his shoulder get your feet close and hit em through him. The next thing will be the hit and the contact that we've been practicing my aim isn't to to lunch from lunch from there and and just make the contact and that's it. Right. My aim is to get as close as I possibly can. My target is here is a yard plastic if you dominate that last yard, then you're in control if I dominate through you then I'm in control. Also what I mean em through the the attacker, you know, Don just just tickle him and threw him through him and make sure that he knows that you're there.