An essential drill for new players, or a simple but relevant one for experienced players. New players should make sure their passes are not forward and are targeted in front of their teammate's chest. More experienced players can focus on speed of pass and footwork. In this example, a large group is split into two adjacent drills to ensure players aren't stationary for too long.
Adding variations to a basic lateral passing drill is a solid foundation to build into strike moves. Players should concentrate on pass accuracy and the timing and direction of their running lines. Add defenders to progress.
An introduction to coaching the lateral pass
To develop the lateral passing and take a look at the fundamental movements
Handling Progression for developing the ability to create depth from a flat line
A core passing exercise for developing the lateral passing drill
A simple lateral passing exercise for all standards. These basic skills are fundamental to rugby and should be repeated using a number of different practises. Key factors : Communication - Present a target with your hands - Run straight - Pass the ball across your body - Realign to repeat
Developing our lateral passing skills. The coach can alter the width, depth and number of players
Core skills development of teh lateral pass whgilst running uses cookies
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