A passage of play that shows how to attack with more attackers than defenders, a 3 v 2. The winger shows that strong running and determination can break tackles. Click on the practises in this section for coaching ideas
This exercise is part of a tackle technique progression and pitches 3 attackers v 3 defenders. As in match play the attacking players will present different challenges to the defenders. The coaches can choose to alter the conditions to put more or less pressure on the players
Tackling - Hunting a tackle
This is a very effective drill for developing decision making and awareness in support runners off a tackle situation
Women's - Classic Tackle
Men's - Lineout maul good defence 3
Men's - Strike Moves 3
Men's - Double Tackle
Men's - Exiting the 22m 3
Using three attackers ensures the defender tackles on both sides and from slightly different angles. The coach can vary the pace and width of this exercise
Repetitive exercises can help players become familiar with tackling technique.
Good tackle technique when chasing a player from behind. The defender gets to his feet quickly to contest the ball. Key factors : Head to one side - Arms around attackers waist and slide down - Keep your arms around the attackers legs - Use momentum to get back to your feet
A quick lineout allows players to attack a "broken field" defence. Running at space moves the defenders and the suport player comes from depth behind the attacker to score. Key factors : Loud communication - Accurate spin pass - Attacking space - Trail support - Pop pass - Quick running
An example of a wheeled scrum
This practice develops communication in a three v three game format
Whether you're introducing tackling to young players for the first time, or re-introducing it to senior players after a summer away, this is a great game to play to ease back into it. It isolates the 1v1 tackle and puts emphasis on technique without the high speed impact of a full contact game.
[WITH DRILL VIDEOS] This session from Joe Goodman (Bristol University Rugby) has been designed to prepare players for a return to full contact competition, re-establishing correct technique to ensure safe, efficient tackling through progressively increasing the level of contact and complexity of skill execution.
Strong defence and a turnover allows two quick passes, (One long pass), and then attack the defence. The two passes have changed the channel of attack by 30 metres.
Key factors : Tackle and stay on your feet - Long quick pass / spin pass - Communicate loudly - Support the ball carrier on his shoulder
This exercise asks players to attack from the front while still on their knees. It is important than the tackler pushers his shoulder through onto the outside hip of the attacker with the head staying outside as well. 1. Shoulder. 2 Arms tight 3. Drive
Understanding tackle techniques and the progressions is integral for all coaches as a basic fundamental in coaching contact. The IRB "rugby ready" course provides a step by step approach to compliment the technques in this section
Jailbreak is a fun game that allows young players to become familiar with live tackling, as well as evasion. The game is played in a small area, to the increase the chance of tackles being made, and reduce the speed of the ball-carriers.
It is very much an individual choice as to when a tackle is completed to when the defender can compete for the ball. What is generally accepted is that good tackle technique will enable the defender to "Be ready" for his next task. This clip explores why a strong grip or "Ring of steel" will enable the tackler to be dominant
Tackling 20 - 2 man Tackle
Tackling - Rear Tackle
To be a dominant tackler you need to practise the core skills regularly. The tackle has many factors to it and here are some tips from New Zealand
Sharing our coaching ideas is great for the game. Players in New Zealand hone their skills at an early age and it is globally accepted that they have the best techniques across all positions. Coaching the tackle is a key fundamental that all players practise regularly
Gradually progress from 2 static defenders, to 3 v 2 roaming defenders. The first two players must draw their defenders before giving the pass.
Men's - Turnover and move the ball 4
Working in units and working through phases is crucial to modern day sevens and in this clip the White team show great technique and patience to work their way up the field to score. Key factors : Ball retention - Communication - Work in units - Accurate passing - Patience - Stamina
The "Hook & Grip" element in the tackle creates strong & effective contact with your opponent which enables accurate tackling. A strong grip (Ring of Steel), is the precursor to a dominant tackle and this skill is crucial for all players. The practises in this video are excellent for players who may lack confidence or where you have a variety of competence among your squad
Aggressive tackling is fundamental to Wasps performances and their players physicality is part of their DNA. Brad Davis overseas a tackle technique session that will change your approach to coaching the tackle
The passive front tackle
This tackle is necessary when the defender is not in a position to make a strong aggressive tackle and uses the momentum of the attacker to bring them to the ground
This clip illustrates tackle technique using progressions suitable to all players and possibly requiring regular revisit to embed safe and effective tackling
Keep your players on their toes with this quick-fire 1v1 tackling exercise. Start with bags then progress to live tackles. Defending players have an obstacle to negotiate before performing the tackle, just as they may have in a game.
Developing confidence in and around the tackle is very important when starting to teach tackle techniques. This clip provides a few ideas that you could use in your sessions
An easy progression into tackling, with some movement. Use to build players' confidence before moving into full tackling.
Tackling and contact are key components in the development of young players, this clip shows how coaches can introduce tackling using a game that reduces the risk of injury and focuses on the technical skills
Give players the opportunity to practice their tackling technique. In groups of five, one player in the middle has four tackle attempts. Make sure everyone has a go and the key points are repeated.
An opportunity for players to put what they have learnt on tackle technique into practice. Each tackle is observed by all other players who can give feedback. Ensure all players have a go at attacking and defending.
Set up 5 cones around in a circle. The tackler works out from the first cone to make the tackle. The tackler then backtracks around the next and then comes forward to make the tackle again. Two tackles off the right shoulder, one front on and two off the left shoulder.
The transition from practicing tackling on knees to tackling on feet starts with the tackler remaining on their knees and the ball-carrier walking past. Then progress to having both players on their feet, but still executing the tackle at a controlled, walking pace.
The offensive front tackle
This practice shows front tackle technique when the defender is in a strong and balanced position
The RFU new rules of play have completely changed the approach of introducing young players to tackling. A phased approach may challenge previous methods however by viewing the practical session on this video you can see how the process works
Good tackle technique leads into being effective at the breakdown, this clip provides advice on how to coach the tackle combined with the next phase of getting to your feet and competing for the space or ball
Tackle bags are a great tool to use in your conditioning sessions. The reduced impact allows players to peform high repititions of contact technique under fatigue, with low risk of injury.
Head injuries are a serious consequence to rugby and an area that deserves the attention of all players and coaches. Be proactive by coaching and re-coaching tackle technique to reinforce good habits.
This tackle is necessary when the defender is not in a position to make a strong aggressive tackle and uses the momentum of the attacker to bring them to the ground
Some of the latest ideas around tackle technique and what defenders are trying to achieve. This session provides the technical progressions needed to teach the choke / catch tackle
Coaching a safe head position for tackling is not only a "Duty of care" for coaches but it also developes great body position and the platform to drive your opponents backwards. This video shows how physical the Wasps players are but not without safety & accurate technique
Impact Wrap Tackle
The ability to move from 1 to 1 tackling exercises into unit & group skills can be tricky. Here are some tips that you could use
The Falcons coaches use a variety of games and breakout drills to progress their tackle technique session. The players respond to questions to vary the style of coaching
A full-contact game with uncontested breakdowns, conditioned to have one team attacking for an extended time. The focus is on the defenders, who each have two tennis balls, to concentrate on their tackle technique.
Tackle technique 5
Introducing tackle technique to players is a challenging process and the Wasps coaches ensure the players understand and are competent at each step prior to progressing to the next one
Basic tackle technique is essential to rugby players of all ages and standards.
Use equipment or players to force players to take smaller steps prior to the tackle, as attackers get better at late movement defenders need to practise in more demanding positions
Defence is a crucial part of the game, and it all starts with a solid tackle technique. Here's an introduction into a typical defence session, with some basic progressions focusing on body position and linespeed. Log in to see the full session.
Some insight into how the NSW coaches approach coaching the tackle. This clip provides some tips on "How to coach" and some practical examples
Learning Tackle Technique
Tackling 4 - Feet and Body Position
Tackle Technique Warm-up
To build confidence in tackling technique and taking contact, it can be a good idea to start with players on their knees.
Try these fun games for any junior team. They are a great way to introduce tackle safety whilst keeping your players entertained.
In this video we take a look at how these coaches introduce young players to safe tackle technique.
Here is a new drill from London Scottish that encourages players to stay low in the approach and throughout the tackle
The sides are now even and the players can tackle, but not attempt to steal the ball. Again, the defence must retreat 5m, giving the attackers opportunities.