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Parents - Rugby Drills Coaching Library

Categories > Catching & Passing

Scrum Factory - 3. TOP With Rugby Balls

Expensive training equipment is not necessary and the simple rugby ball can provide an excellent technical and conditioning work out

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Here you see the player using rugby balls to develop body posture note that the key factors described in the previous section are still evident. However, in this practice note that the players knees are slightly behind the hips his knees are close to the ground and is heels of raised with his weight through the balls of his feet. The coach can vary the number of balls used and their position to apply pressure to the players technique. Nice to picture high pitch. I keep your hips down good that's better. Bring your feet forward a little bit. Okay swap over. So we're now going to take it a tower of power actually into our scrum position. Okay, and we're going to be going to use the two balls and we're going to place our body in the same position using the same principles, but with our hands on to the ball. Okay, so we still have our ankles and knees in line ahead still in neutral and we have our pelvic we have our pelvic tilt. So I'm coming much more like wooden the scrum. Well, you can combine here for me. See if you can do that. So hands onto the ball. Okay, good much better mate pelvic tilt for me. Okay, perfect. Oh, what you doing pelvic tilt? How do you do that? Good? Where should you knees be? So walking these in a little bit for you or the knees up towards your armpits walking these up towards your armpit walking these up good. Now your knees towards the grass there in line with your ankles. But as your head look head a normal position hips slightly higher. Okay, and will now is in a strong scrimmaging position. Okay, but there will come and do this again stay in this way. So the players can see same thing again. Okay, so notice this. Okay Wills make sure that his knees are underneath his hips and his ankles and knees are in line and that he's got a pelvic tilt whether your head look well, okay, his head looks naturally forward. Okay, but your knees towards your armpit walk your legs in okay knees towards the floor and that's the perfect position that we want to try and get into okay with our head nice and still any questions about what we'll just did there. Okay, see how this back nice and flat wasn't looking up too much. So can we get two balls into the square get with partner? Okay, so I've looked at YouTube and we balls on the floor and okay one of your work then one of you watch okay, so if you go you go first, then you can help you can help in well, you can help him. So think about it. Now what we're looking for to would you what is knees Allah, you have to talk to your partner about their position. Okay, talk to your partner about their position. Do we want flat legs? That's good. Okay, you just bring your arms a little bit twice hit the balls under your chest or do we need to have straight legs? Okay. We need to have straight legs. Remember your knees. That's perfect. That's excellent. Okay, if you can bring three can bring your two balls over here come over here. Okay, put your balls down there. What's your name Sean? Okay. So a quick look at Sean and guys have a Cricut Sean's position is hips up hips up hips up. Okay, so you can see Sean that look at Sean's hips that's his hips up. And that's keeping his back nice and straight. So he's in a safe position that if he has to push he's pushing this way. It's Sean drops his hips down what happens night is back. What's his back in? It's on an angle, isn't it? Okay, so show me those good hips again Sean when he puts his pelvic tilt on his back then starts to flatten and in a scrum time any power is going forward and not going up. That's excellent Shawn while I make okay, so we'll look at that and to be a partner.