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Scrum Factory - 4. TOP Core Balls

The core ball provides a variety of challenges to the player in both body management and technical competence

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Here you see the player using cool ball. Sometimes known as Swiss balls to develop technique the unstable nature of the balls demands that the player focuses on maintaining his body posture. The coach can vary the practice to exert greater or lesser pressure on the player. The ball is extremely flexible in its use players can work individually. Or a scrimmaging units in a safe but competitive environment. First exercise very simple. I want you to kneel on the Swiss ball and get yourself in your Tower of Power position. Yeah. Okay, what are you two in the background having to go now? Hold the shape Nora? So feet knees legs tilt scaps elbows chest up and out head in a natural walking position now control the ball control your core. Not too far back with the elbows in line with your body hold that shape more of a pelvic tilt on Vicky chest up and out chest up and out. And relax. All right. Okay. So you're all going to have a go at this next one. And this one is same and it's the only time I allow your knees to go in front of your hips. What you're going to do is use the ball with your shins and you're going to put yourself in the scrimmage position on the ball. Okay kneeling on the ball. Okay set yourself in the position. Now, let's set yourself strong first. Now your hips are going to go back and chest are going to go forward you control where your knees are and take your chest parallel to the ground lower. Okay, you're going to have to allow the ball to roll under your shins. Yeah. Okay, I'll do self in position scaps and lower and hold. Okay. So another go you'll get your legs were want to roll under the ball and that's fine. So the position you're in there now try and hold that shape and take it down. And relax, so Tony sells nice and tall and then into your scrummage position. Think about that Tyler power tin down a fraction Vicky. Keep control of the body manage it down. into scrum shape the balls to run one balanced you all the time. You're trying to stay as strong as possible. with control Vicki are you breathing good? One more go. Concentrate focus on the control elbows tight tilt scaps chin down and hold and hold and hold and relax. What I want you to do now. Okay, we're gonna have a look at your screen position under pressure of the Swiss balls. So as the girls were doing there you're going to kneel on this one, but you can set your hands on this one. Okay hold that shape is e-tron get the two balls closer together. So put them in that's good hold hold control control now at the moment. She's struggling to control it as self if she was in absolute control of us tighter. That's good. Then all we can start doing is testing a strut scrum strength by just giving the balls a little bit of a tap moving them around a little bit. Okay. Hold it together. Hold it together. Okay. Now what I want you to try and do is take the rear ball away with your knees and bring it back. Bring it back hold and relax. Not bad. Not bad at all who hasn't had to go. Okay. So what I want you to Do and I'll let you do this get yourself set. Right then you locking these in place take the hands away. Yeah, bring your hands back like your hands in place and take your legs away and bring your legs back and I'll leave you to do it. Yeah. I'm relaxed. That was pretty good, too.