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Scrum Factory - 5. TOP Towels & Bands

The use of towels and bands are used to develop front row posture just before engagement when the body weight is forward and balance is important

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In this exercise the coaches using towels and bands to exert greater pressure on the players body posture and technique. The player is encouraged to maintain effective body posture whilst under physical pressure. The coach can condition the height of the player works at through words of command shoulders up shoot good holding their companies lower good hold it there. This exercise is particularly useful for false identification and correction due to the physically demanding nature of this exercise coaches should be careful to ensure that the players are physically capable of Performing the task. What we're going to look at now is taking all that body shape and put it under the pressure of a scrimmage and we're going to use these bands and the idea of these is that have resistance in them to about 75 kilos. So they're going to give them been when you push so I'm going to hold you in shape. Then you're going to hold each other in shape the towels do exactly the same thing. If you can't afford to buy any of this equipment, I'm sure every mom and dad has got an old towel sitting at some of the bottom of some wardrobe and the towels can help you develop their social. If you come out first, please all right to start with it's going to go around your waist. All right, and what I want you to do now, you're going to push forward but you're not going to move your feet forward. So your feet stay planted in the ground. All right set yourself in your position. Okay and go forward push the feet into the ground. Hold your shape. Hold your shape Knees Down chin down chest up a faction. Okay now Drive the legs Move the feet and relax set again. When I say Drive the legs. I just want you to imagine that you're pushing forward without driving your feet forward. Yeah plant feet knees. Tilt scaps elbows tight chin down. Okay now take the weight forward take the weight forward push the feet into the ground knees lower chest up refraction knees lower and push with the legs. Push. Push. Push push push drive drive drive the legs Drive the legs Drive the legs hold the shape Drive the legs and relax. Excellent. Well done. Okay. Can you just do that in your purse? Elbows into your ribs Nikki. Is it Nicole or Nicki? Oh, Nick Knack afford to me and she's gonna hold your weight. Go on there and hold the white Knees Down chest up. Okay good scabs on tilt on better. Okay. Now keep your chest where it is, but let your hips go lower chest up hips down now drive forward. Push push. Push push push. I'm relaxed. Okay, I think she can go forward there and we can help her but I don't think you're strong enough. So do it again for me. Yeah come this side and take the towel. And we'll both do it. Yeah, so we working and then we make sure that she doesn't fly forward. So you're going to get yourself set strong body good girl. Well done plant the feet knees. Okay now push the push forward push forward go on. We've got you we've got you scabs on pelvic tilt and push forward again. Let it go hold it there these down chest up and push forward now hold hold chest up as you drive chest up as you drive good chin down hold the shape and relax. Excellent. Well done. How did that feel where exactly where it should be exactly where it should be. Well done thought that look good. So if one of you is not strong enough then just two of you hold the towel. Yeah and let them come in front of you. So they're really getting that strong driving position. Now, we're going to take that power position into a drive. Okay, so when I say chase the free You going to drive the legs forward? All right. So who went last time out of you you're on the towel. So you're going to drive so it's going to take two of you to hold the towel. What's your first name? We're Katie Becky. Okay, turn around face that way. Okay Becky get the towel as well. So when I say chase the feet, I want you to actually drive forward now, but keep your body in your shape that we working on. All right. Okay ready itself in position. I'll take the body weight forward pelvic tilt. So when she tries to drive we've got to go with her and holder ready scabs on these lower take the weight forward drawn. We've got you you got to trust that. We've got you don't move your feet until I say so these lower. Okay hold that shape ready Chase your feet Drive the legs go and Chase your feet forward. That's it. Little Steps Little Steps Drive. Come on Drive. We're holding you back. You got to chase it Forward Little Steps Little Steps. Okay and relax when we say Little Steps make them fast and forward you've almost dancing on the spot there. Yeah. Okay. So that's the activity. I want you girls to try and practice you guys are going to do it with ease. Okay, so we're now trying to develop that strength into a practice where this is going to if I pull on the left it's going to take you out of position. If I pull on the right it's going to take you out of position. So hold your shape Vicky and drive forward and hold. No no drive Ford is just push with the legs. Okay, and Chase your feet. Go go. Go chase chase your feet Chase your feet Chase your feed hold shape shape shape on the I'm putting you back in you can't let me pull you back and relax. Okay, so as soon as I showed, hold on everything to hit the power position. On stop the pull back. Yeah, and that is when you're trying to control the scrum. All right, let's do one more so you can get a demo on this. So you understand exactly what's happening now over here. Okay, get yourself in position. Pressure on pressure on go on. Okay chase the feet go Little Steps Little Steps Little Steps Chase Chase Chase and hold hold shape hold shape. Come on, get yourself strong hold shape scabs tilt pressure on through the thighs and relax.