Players can strike from any location on the pitch, in this clip the Red team relax thinking they have the attackers behind their own posts, however a strong scrum, good pass and great step create the gap to go through, the next 95 metres is all about speed and fitnes. Key factors : Space beetween attackers - Good pass - Side step - Speed - Stamina
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Find out about his players and he said he's doing that here. Wells giving it everything Lovely step and see the class. And now the place is absolutely brilliant of Wali. Screaming away and that is quite Sensational from Pablo Army.
A simple but effective attack from a scrum. Three good passes provides the winger to run past his defender to score. Notice how the first reciever is directly behind the scrum and not to the side, (This makes the pass from the scrum easier when under pressure). Key factors : Position of 1st reciever - Run straigh and wide spin pass - Speed of the runner
A good 'go to' strike move for all players 1-15 to know. Passing the ball behind a decoy runner can commit and confuse defenders, hopefully creating holes to attack.
Seven's is about creating chances and then taking them. In this clip the Blue team take the ball up the middle of the pitch to draw in defenders, after recycling the ball they have a 2 v 1 opportunity, a straight line of running and a flat wide pass creates the try. Key factors : Call early - Run straight - Wide spin pass - Catch and swerve to score