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Introduction to tackling - Step 2

The transition from practicing tackling on knees to tackling on feet starts with the tackler remaining on their knees and the ball-carrier walking past. Then progress to having both players on their feet, but still executing the tackle at a controlled, walking pace.

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That was going to tackle me again. I'm Stood Still this time. So you've already told me really successfully where you going to put his head behind cheek to cheek once you going to hit me with. Shoulder, so in this case if I'm coming this way, is it going to be that shoulder nobody that one and it's going to hold on. Yeah, so okay. Watch what I do and see if I can manage to do my body first then the ball. Here we go now. I put my hand out to stop me. No, I landed on the back and then I place the ball. Good stuff. Okay. So we're going to get in a either a Sprint start or a squat to get in the right position and still only Stood Still. Alright, so I'm going to aim to hit him and imagine I'm coming out the other side. We've already done the three things. I'm going to follow the tackle this time and Neville knows what he's trying to do is thinking about getting this landing on the patches on the big bits and then making the ball available for somebody else start from here right now, okay.